P.W. Koppels
43 records found
Searching for Flexibility in Corporate Real Estate Portfolio
Six Co-Working Strategies for User Corporations
The increasing competitive pressures and dynamic user preferences have resulted in a fast-paced and uncertain business environment. In the face of these circumstances, organizations are looking into alternatives to incorporate flexibility to become more adaptive and responsive to
Using a unique transactions dataset, this paper examines the determinants of lease incentives in the Amsterdam office market. The study focusses on the type of landlord involved (institutional/privately owned) and whether the tenant or landlord used an advisor to help them with t
The department of MBE was originally called Real Estate & Project Management (BMVB: ‘Bouwmanagement & Vastgoedbeheer’) covering the domains of construction management and real estate management. The “raison d’être” for this new department was based on the recognition that a fair
Using a unique transactions dataset, this paper examines the determinants of lease incentives in the Amsterdam office market. The study focusses on the type of landlord involved (institutional/privately owned) and whether the tenant or landlord used an advisor to help them with t
Deze studie richt zich op het verklaren van de incentives op de Amsterdamse kantorenmarkt. De belangrijkste bijdrage is dat er in de analyse naast gebouw/locatie- en contractgegevens ook informatie wordt meegenomen over de actoren die betrokken zijn bij een transactie. Zo blijkt
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show how international companies (can) use real estate as a means to reinforce corporate identity and to express brand values in order to evoke a positive image in today’s competitive world.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper relies
Leegstandsmanagement van publiek vastgoed: Pilotstudie - werkdocument
Beknopte samenvatting, conclusies en aanbevelingen
Rapport in opdracht van Atelier Rijksbouwmeester.@en
Much of our industrial heritage lost its function in the transition from an industrial to a more service-based economy. Meantime, changing consumer preferences have shortened the functional and economic life cycle of buildings to such an extent that many have become vacant and ob