16 records found

This study updates and expands upon the existing work on the accuracy of the IPF’s Consensus Forecasts. The paper evaluates the extent to which the consensus forecasts were able to predict the relative performance. It also assesses the accuracy of implied yield forecasts and conc ...

Disposal strategies in corporate real estate portfolios

Evidence from the Dutch banking sector

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop an operational framework with guidelines and lessons to improve the current real estate portfolio disposal procedures of freeholds, based on empirical evidence from the banking sector. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical res ...

The impact of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

Some evidence from the London office market

This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of staged introduction of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in England and Wales in the period after announcement but before policy implementation. A process evaluation of the specific policy design focussing on potential sources ...
This paper investigates the impact of vertical location and tenant sorting on commercial office rents within the tall office towers of Amsterdam. In economic geography and urban economics’ approach to productivity tall buildings constitute an important, density-increasing typolog ...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how strategic corporate real estate (CRE) management varies across different types of organizational culture. Additionally, the authors examine how a set of well-established strategies is categorized by CRE executives and inves ...

Afstootstrategieën in corporate real estate portefeuilles

Bevindingen uit de Nederlandse bankensector

De toenemende onzekerheid over de planningshorizon van kantooreigenaar-gebruikers zet de financiële efficiëntie van hun afstootstrategieën onder druk. Dit artikel identificeert verbeteringen voor besluitvorming over afstootstrategieën uit de praktijk voor eigenaren en managers va ...

What is served for breakfast?

Exploring new frontiers in corporate real estate strategies and organizational culture

The quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” was made famous by Mark Field, president at Ford, in 2006 and has, ever since, been a guiding principle in management practice of corporations operating across the globe. The general management profession has widely embraced culture ...

What is served for breakfast?

An empirical analysis of organizational culture and CRE strategies

Multinational corporations are faced with the need to centralize decision-making regarding their real estate to increase its agility in meeting rapidly changing business needs. In this new scenario of ‘acting globally and thinking locally’ understanding cultural variations across ...

What is served for breakfast?

An empirical analysis of CRE strategies and organizational culture

The quote Culture eats strategy for breakfast was made famous by Mark Field, president at Ford, in 2006 and has ever since been a guiding principle in management practice of corporations operating across the globe. General management profession has widely embraced culture as a ke ...
The department of MBE was originally called Real Estate & Project Management (BMVB: ‘Bouwmanagement & Vastgoedbeheer’) covering the domains of construction management and real estate management. The “raison d’être” for this new department was based on the recognition that a fair ...

Impact of quality-led design on real estate value

A spatiotemporal analysis of city centre apartments

This paper estimates the impact of quality design attributes on real estate value through empirical investigation of the owner-occupied multifamily residential sector. The methodological design is based on spatiotemporal modelling using a unique data-set of 424 Belfast City Centr ...

Urban pattern dichotomy in tirana

Socio-spatial impact of liberalism

Transition from a centralized to a market economy yielded different responses from the former Eastern Bloc countries with economic performance directly affecting spatial composition of the cities. Post-socialist urban transformations across Central and Eastern Europe exhibit main ...