H. de Jonge
101 records found
本书概述了荷兰城市地区发展的过程以及所涉及的学科知识。各种形式的管治(规划、管理、协调和组织)是本书的核心。在此背景下,管治的工具、先决条件和潜力是本书的主题。管治需要处理的问题来自不同的学科:城市社会学、城市经济学、管理学、城市规划、法律、市场研究等。讨论的问题包括:在日益全球化的背景下,城市发展的哪些方面能*有效地应用管治? 如何在地方层面实施管治? 哪些立法对规划很重要? 这个过程是如何组织的? 如何管理空间质量? 根据市场背景,有哪些转型的可能性? 如何管理财务? 哪些模型可用于管理流程?@en
Purpose: This paper seeks to model the relationship between innovation and real estate, providing campus managers with a tool that illustrates how campus development stimulates innovation and that guides them to add value to their organisations.
Design/methodology/approach: ...
Design/methodology/approach: ...
Purpose: This paper describes the different locations of campuses developed to stimulate innovation. It aims at support strategic decisions in the development of new and existing campuses and similar innovation-driven areas. Additionally, it aims to outline the key role of locati
Assessment tools’ indicators for sustainability in universities
An analytical overview
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse 12 assessment tools of sustainability in universities and develop the structure and the contents of these tools to be more intelligible. The configuration of the tools reviewed highlight indicators that clearly communicate only the
Purpose: One of the long-standing issues in the field of corporate real estate management is the alignment of an organisation’s real estate to its corporate strategy. To date, 14 models for corporate real estate (CRE) alignment have been made, as well as four comparative studies
One of the long-standing issues in the field of corporate real estate corporate strategy. Extensive research into existing approaches brought valuable insights into steps, components and variables that are needed in the alignment process. Despite that, it is not clear if existing
Leegstandsmanagement van publiek vastgoed: Pilotstudie - werkdocument
Beknopte samenvatting, conclusies en aanbevelingen
Rapport in opdracht van Atelier Rijksbouwmeester.@en