Y. Chen
76 records found
The research on the quality of natural habitats and human settlements has been paid attention to by academia, design professionals and policymakers in recent years. Most of the concern is driven by rapid spatial transformation of and ecological deterioration in both natural habit
Participatory approaches in the adaptive reuse of two Dutch private-led cultural heritage projects
Role of the local communities
There is increasing debate concerning citizen participation in the reuse and transformation of heritage sites. However, the question of why and how participatory approaches are explored in private-led heritage adaptive reuse receives limited attention. The paper shows why the co
Financialising urban redevelopment
Transforming Shanghai’s waterfront
Chinese cities have experienced rapid urbanisation and attracted massive investment in the central city through urban redevelopment. Developing less favourable urban areas such as former industrial sites along the waterfront is less attractive for investment as these areas usuall
The future of mega-events, post-COVID-19 pandemic
The resilient path towards legacy creation?
Mega-events have been explored by cities for urban reimaging and urban transformation processes. Due to their scale and catalytic effects, mega-events offer great opportunities for cities to showcase their local culture and create opportunities for their local economy, as well as
Een vervuild bedrijventerrein, een verlaten haven: gemeenten die een moeilijk stedelijk transformatieproject willen uitvoeren, ondervinden onvermijdelijk problemen met de financiering ervan. Gelukkig bieden innovatieve vormen soelaas, stelt TU Delft-onderzoeker Yawei Chen. Zij ke
Exploring the Many Cities in the City
Seeing the City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Study of the Urban, edited by Nanke Verloo and Luca Bertolini, 2020, Amsterdam University Press
How should we study the city? While there is diverse literature on research methodology, it is not easy to find a book that addresses the increasingly complex urban context and provides a comprehensive overview of current research methods applied in urban studies. Seeing the City
Unravelling Decision-Making Processes on Location Choices for High-Speed Railway Stations in China
A Comparison of Shenzhen, Lanzhou and Jingmen
Most High-Speed Railway (HSR) station areas in China can be found at the urban periphery or in suburban areas, a phenomenon that has often been criticised. While debate about the influence these location choices have on the economic and sustainable development of cities rages on,
Het is nog maar vier jaar geleden dat Stef Blok aan het einde van zijn termijn als Minister van Wonen verkondigde dat de woningmarkt af was. Deze conclusie mag als voorbarig beschouwd worden. Immers, de huizenprijzen zouden blijven doorstijgen tot de dag van vandaag, zelfs tijden
Not just “Better City, Better Life”
Creating a sustainable urban legacy beyond World Expo 2010 in Shanghai
In recent years, creating an urban legacy has gradually become the focus of event-led development or regeneration in cities. World Expo 2010 Shanghai, held under the theme “Better city, Better life” was organised to emphasise the concept of “city of harmony” and to promote the su
创造2010 年上海世博会后的可持续城市遗产
Legacy research has become an important part in mega-event studies. It was first raised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to assess the longer impact of the Olympic Games on host cities, after witnessing how a mega-event could drastically transform host cities like Bar
Projects to redevelop waterfront areas have emerged in many cities
around the world over the last three decades. Many of those cities
expected such urban interventions to create higher land-value with
the change of use from industrial to commercial or residential.
around the world over the last three decades. Many of those cities
expected such urban interventions to create higher land-value with
the change of use from industrial to commercial or residential.
Book review - High speed Rail and China’s New Economic Geography: impact assessment from the regional science perspective
Edited by Zhenhua Chen, Kinsley E. Haynes with Yulong Zhou and Zhaoxin Dai, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar, 2019, 328 pp., Web: £81.00 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-78536-603-1(cased), ISBN: 978-1-78536-604-8
The rapid growth of high-speed rail (HSR) in China has impressed the world. Following the admiration, critics also raised a series of questions arranging from financial consequence to environmental, spatial and social issues. HSR and China’s New Economic Geography: Impact assessm
The rapid development of Chinese megacities in the last decades have been mainly characterized by top-down planning and large-scale urban development and redevelopment, as well as by using place-making as a tool for city branding. This approach has also been used in other countri
Book review: China in the local and global economy: history, geography, politics and sustainability, edited by Steven Brakman, Charles van Marrewijk, Peter J. Morgan and Nimesh Salike, London and New York, Routledge, 2019, 338 pp., £115.00 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-138-30798-8, fro
Cultivating the next generation designers
Group work in urban and regional design education
This article will contribute to filling the knowledge gap about learning from group methods in (urban and regional) design education, with action research results based on real teaching activities in TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (A&BE), conducte
To understand and deal with real urban development problems, urban planners, designers, and managers need to combine and synthesize a variety of academic and professional knowledge. As our urban challenges grow more complex, learning how to do this effectively becomes ever more i
Not just “Better City, Better Life”
Creating sustainable urban legacy beyond World Expo 2010 in Shanghai
Event-led urban development or event-led regeneration has become part of a deliberate urban policy to position the host cities on the world agenda. Most cities stressed exploring the re-imaging effect of these mega-events, like the construction of iconic flagship projects or larg
Explaining city branding practices in China's three mega-city regions
The role of ecological modernization
As global cities, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing operate in international economic networks; however, they are also each firmly embedded within a regional context and are surrounded by less populous and less internationally recognized neighbors. Together they form so-called mega