J.L.T. Blank

131 records found

Purchase efficiency in Dutch youth care

Locally least squares frontier method applied to municipality data

In this paper, we present an empirical model to analyse the efficiency of youth care by local government, especially with regard to purchasing policies. Locally least squares is applied to data from 352 Dutch municipalities operating in 2021. The outcomes reveal significant varia ...

Sustainable provision of school buildings in the Netherlands

An empirical productivity analysis of local government school building operations

Building operations and construction are responsible for a large part of global energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. In this paper, we present an analysis of the efficiency and productivity of the provision of school buildings by Dutch municipalities. A cost function is estim ...
Local governments may seek efficient public service delivery through scaling up production, and the quest for the optimal local government size has attracted extensive attention of scholars and policy makers. Indeed, if scale matters for local government efficiency, increasing si ...
BACKGROUND: The development of labour productivity is relevant for accurately planning future staffing requirements, especially in sectors where technological developments may drive labour substitution. The present study investigates how labour productivity has developed across D ...
This article presents a one-stage efficiency frontier analysis based on the scaling property. This type of analysis is a not very often applied in empirical work in spite of its nice features. Due to the scaling property the influence of exogenous (managerial) variables on effici ...
In the last four decades, the Dutch drinking water industry has undergone two major policy reforms, namely the consolidation of the industry by stimulating mergers and the introduction of yardstick competition by applying benchmarks. This paper addresses the question of whether t ...

Policy reforms and productivity change in the judiciary system

A cost function approach applied to time series of the Dutch judiciary system between 1980 and 2016

The judiciary is constantly undergoing change in order to respond to a wide range of social developments that have brought the sector under increasing pressure. In order to deal with the constant call for enhancing budgets, different policy measures have been taken to downsize th ...

Managing size of public schools and school boards

A multi-level cost approach applied to dutch primary education

In many countries, the provision of primary education is among the core responsibilities of local governments. One of the main questions local governments face concerns the optimal configuration of school boards and size of schools. In this paper we analyse the relation between c ...
In this paper, we propose a method for cost efficiency measurement that is based on local estimation in several stages. The method is based on weighted least squares where weights depend on the distance of an observation to all other observations and on the distance to the cost f ...
The academic literature provides excellent methodologies to identify best practices and to calculate inefficiencies by stochastic frontier analysis. However, these methodologies are regarded as a black box by policy makers and managers and therefore results are hard to accept. Th ...

Principles of productivity measurement

An elementary introduction to quantitative research on the productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the public sector, ( 2nd revised version)

De afgelopen 35 jaar heeft de overheid verschillende hervormingen doorgevoerd om de productiviteit van politie, rechterlijke macht en gevangeniswezen te verbeteren. Decentrale bedrijfsvoering, outputbekostiging en schaalvergroting blijken echter nauwelijks effect te sorteren. De ...

Inter-municipal cooperation, economies of scale and cost efficiency

An application of stochastic frontier analysis to Dutch municipal tax departments

Inter-municipal cooperation is increasingly popular in European countries. Saving cost is a key motivation. This paper analyses the relation between inter-municipal cooperation and cost efficiency among Dutch municipal tax departments between 2005 and 2012. Motivated by the notio ...
Door fusies zijn Nederlandse ziekenhuizen in de laatste decennia steeds groter geworden. Uit een meta-analyse van internationale studies blijkt dat de zorgkosten juist het laagst zijn in ziekenhuizen die kleiner zijn dan de meeste Nederlandse ziekenhuizen. Het is daarom onwaarsch ...
Well-trained, well-distributed and productive health workers are crucial for access to high-quality, cost-effective healthcare. Because neither a shortage nor a surplus of health workers is wanted, policymakers use workforce planning models to get information on fu ...

Productiviteit van overheidsbeleid

Deel III, De Nederlandse veiligheid en justitie, 1980-2014

Verhoging van de productiviteit van publieke diensten draagt sterk bij aan vergroting van de welvaart en beheersing van de overheidsuitgaven. De afgelopen decennia zijn ingrijpende hervormingen doorgevoerd om de productiviteit in de publieke sector te stimuleren. In de reeks Prod ...

Productiviteit van overheidsbeleid

Deel IV, De Nederlandse netwerksectoren, 1980-2015

Verhoging van de productiviteit van publieke diensten draagt sterk bij aan vergroting van de welvaart en beheersing van de overheidsuitgaven. De afgelopen decennia zijn ingrijpende hervormingen doorgevoerd om de productiviteit in de publieke sector te stimuleren. In de reeks Prod ...
Pomp en Heida plaatsen een aantal vraagtekens bij ons artikel 'Nederlandse ziekenhuizen te groot voor verdere schaalvoordelen'. In deze reactie laten wij zien dat de kritiek een aantal onjuistheden, denkfouten en drogredenen bevat.@en