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61 records found

Infrastructure is at risk to climate uncertainty due to a combination of long life spans, complexity of the systems it is embedded in, and the high investment costs often necessary. Current infrastructure planning approaches lose efficacy under deep uncertainty, necessitating new ...

The assessment of flood mitigation measures applied in Cartagena de Indias

A case study approach about investigating types of flood mitigation measures in Cartagena de Indias

Urban areas of coastal cities are increasingly susceptible to the consequences of climate change. In particular, the threat of increasing floods due to sea level rise and heavier rainfall is growing. Cartagena de Indias in Colombia is such a coastal city, where flooding is a sign ...
Flood risks and its consequences become more and more challenging and are demanding for the currently present dike systems and hydraulic structures in the Netherlands. This automatically raises the question for the possibility of adjustable temporary deployable flood defences tha ...
This dissertation investigates the role of structured expert judgment in quantifying uncertainties central to flood risk assessments, particularly for engineered flood defense systems. Flood risk in the Netherlands involves rare events with high consequences that cannot adequatel ...

Fragility Curves for Dikes in the Western Scheldt

Assessing the Applicability of Typology-Based Fragility Curves in assessing Dike Reinforcement Cost for Coastal Dikes

The sea level is rising, possibly by one meter, by the end of this century. The Netherlands is preparing for this scenario through Kennisprogramma Zeespiegelstijging (KP-ZSS). One of the goals is to determine the hydraulic effects of sea level rise (SLR) on the current system. Fo ...

Hydraulic response of the Rhine-Meuse delta to Delta21

The effect of implementing Delta21 with a modified Maeslantkering on water level statistics in the Dutch delta region

The Dutch Rhine-Meuse delta is expected to require many dike reinforcements on a short and long term, due to (accelerated) sea level rise. Average damage in unembanked areas will increase too, and a costly replacement of the Maeslantkering is expected after 2070. Delta21 is a pro ...

The Cost of Risk Aversion

Eliciting risk preferences and re-evaluating flood protection standards in the Netherlands

Where water flows, prosperity follows.

Many prosperous areas around the world are situated near large bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and rivers. These bodies of water play a vital role in enhancing the prosperity of societies through various means. They provide co ...

Land subsidence related damage to residential real estate and cost-effective adaptation strategies

From sinking to solutions: a methodological approach to assess the cost-effectiveness of adaptation strategies to counteract land subsidence related damage to residential real estate

Land subsidence poses significant damage risks to residential real estate, including pile rot, differential settlements, pluvial flood risk, and dewatering risk amounting tens of thousands of euros. In the Netherlands, the number of affected houses has surpassed one million and i ...
Climate change and its impacts have necessitated a shift from relying solely on mitigation measures to implementing effective adaptation strategies. The financial requirements for adaptation, particularly in developing countries, have increased substantially. The annual projected ...
The study explores the potential impact of accelerated sea level rise on coastal flood risk in the Netherlands, particularly focusing on the Plan B NL2200 approach. Sea levels are expected to rise faster than initially thought due to factors like Antarctica's melting ice. The Sea ...

Research on waterlogging and interventions in Ricanau Mofo

Scientific study on mitigating water nuisance through socio-technical intervention assessment

This research addresses how Ricanau Mofo, a low-lying village in Surinam, can become a more water-adaptive and sustainable village, while it faces land erosion, river bank erosion, changing rainfall patterns and sea level rise. It is urgent to intervene, as these issues are expec ...

(Il)liquid Assets: Risk Management Through Insurance Solutions

A Comparative Analysis of Failure Mechanisms and Premium Evolution of Flood Insurance in the Netherlands

This thesis evaluates flood insurance solutions for the Netherlands, focusing on the repercussions of primary flood defence failures. Recognizing the amplified need for a solid safety system due to climate change, the study uses a comprehensive approach, including literature revi ...
Under growing pressures of climate change, it is vital for our society to implement cost-effective reinforcements in a flood defence system. This thesis proposes a method for optimising reinforcements in a flood defence system with multiple lines of defence under sea level rise.

Probabilistic assessment of inner slope stability in dikes

Gaining insight in the difference between the semi-probabilistic and probabilistic estimates of the reliability index for inner slope stability with overtopping

After overtopping, the most common failure mechanism in the world that leads to a dike breach is the instability of the inner slope. Two stability calculations are required for the semi-probabilistic assessment of inner slope stability. One calculation is without significant over ...
In the summer of 2021 severe flooding occurred in Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands. High damages have been estimated in the Geul catchment, leading up to 250 million euro. Flood risk management in The Netherlands is mostly focussed on reducing the probability of flooding and ...

Validating Flood Damage Estimations

A framework using plausibility and empirical data

Flood risk models are frequently used to analyse the climate- and socio-economic-driven impact of flooding hazards. However, model validation is rarely done adequately due to the rare occurrence of floods and even less frequent reporting of corresponding damages.

In th ...
Major flooding occurred on the Meuse River in 1993, 1995 and 2021, causing significant damage to regions in NL, BE, DE. The flood events of 1993 and 1995 occurred in the winter, while that of 2021 occurred in the summer. There are large differences in the characteristics of thes ...

Flooding problems in the catchment area of the River Geul

The impact of measures on the consequences of extreme future flooding

The flooding of the River Geul in July 2021 was an eyeopener for the society, the government and many others involved. Besides the major structural damage as a consequence of the flooding, the emotional damage was and still is massive. Therefore, the need for measures to reduce t ...

Flood event of July 2021

How extreme were the floods in the Ahr, Vesdre and Geul catchments?

In mid-July 2021, heavy precipitation caused flooding for multiple tributaries of the Meuse and Rhine rivers which resulted in many deaths and exceptional damage. The Ahr in Germany, the Vesdre in Belgium and the Geul in the Netherlands suffered the greatest damage in each countr ...

Feasibility of the Polders

When can the Dutch polderconcept become economically unviable?

Adequate flood protection is important to many countries, but especially so to the Netherlands. With a large share of its population centers located below sea level, in so-called polders, the need for flood protection systems quickly becomes apparent. This need is even more press ...