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6 records found


Canal dikes in low-lying polders, as well as in other regions worldwide, are critical infrastructure for flood protection and water management. The subsurface water conditions can cause dike failures during excessive rainfall and prolonged periods of drought. There is a lack of m ...
In July of 2021, large areas in the catchment of the Meuse River in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany were affected by extreme rainfall and floods. This paper presents the hydraulic and morphological data that were collected during and after the flood. The data were analysed t ...

Hoogwater 2021

Feiten en Duiding

In juli 2021 zijn grote delen van Limburg getroffen door hevige regenval en overstromingen. Ook delen van België en Duitsland overstroomden met zeer veel schade en verlies aan mensenlevens tot gevolg. Dit betrof een extreme en ongeëvenaarde gebeurtenis met enorme impact. Daarom i ...


The study explores the potential impact of accelerated sea level rise on coastal flood risk in the Netherlands, particularly focusing on the Plan B NL2200 approach. Sea levels are expected to rise faster than initially thought due to factors like Antarctica's melting ice. The Sea ...

The Cost of Risk Aversion

Eliciting risk preferences and re-evaluating flood protection standards in the Netherlands

Where water flows, prosperity follows.

Many prosperous areas around the world are situated near large bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and rivers. These bodies of water play a vital role in enhancing the prosperity of societies through various means. They provide co ...