16 records found

Backward erosion piping (BEP) is a failure mechanism of hydraulic structures like dams and levees on cohesionless foundations subjected to seepage flows. This article models the time-dependent development of BEP using numerical simulation of the erosion process. A 3-dimensional f ...
Internal erosion is a significant cause of failure in dams, levees and other hydraulic structures. This article studies the time-dependent reliability of such structures under Backward Erosion Piping (BEP), a form of internal erosion in the foundation. First, a physics-based time ...
During the July 2021 Flood, the main flood defences along the River Meuse in the Netherlands performed well and did not breach. This paper is meant to document the various incidents on the flood defence system. As such, it provides an overview and description of the reported inci ...
Structural reliability analysis often considers failure mechanisms as correlated but non-interacting processes. Interacting failure mechanisms affect each others performance, and thereby the system reliability. We describe such interactions in the context of flood defenses, and a ...
The Shields–Darcy (SD) model by Hoffmans and Van Rijn (Citation2018) describes the resistance of hydraulic structures to backward erosion piping, which is a form of internal erosion. In the article being discussed, Hoffmans compares the SD model to the model by Sellmeijer et al. ...
This paper presents the numerical interpretation of a recent experiment on a real-scale levee physical model, in order to investigate the process of Backward Erosion Piping (BEP) and validate a recently proposed finite element formulation able to model both the simultaneous proce ...
Backward erosion piping (BEP) is a form of internal erosion which can lead to failure of levees and dams. Most research focused on the critical head difference at which piping failure occurs. Two aspects have received less attention, namely (1) the temporal evolution of piping an ...

Project Summary D3 - Time-dependent piping and interactions

A framework for safety assessment with time-dependent failure processes

Backward erosion piping (BEP) is a type of internal erosion responsible for the failure of many dams and levees. BEP occurs when small, shallow erosion channels progress upstream through foundation sands beneath the structure. As analysis of BEP involves coupling two different se ...
Structural flood protection systems such as levees are an important component in flood risk reduction strategies. Levees can fail through various failure mechanisms; this thesis focuses on the mechanism Backward Erosion Piping (BEP) which occurs when a sandy levee foundation is e ...
Most research on backward erosion piping (BEP) focuses on the critical conditions leading to failure. This paper studies the development of piping over time once the critical conditions are exceeded, which is useful to estimate time to failure. A commonly used small scale rectang ...
This paper presents a large-scale backward erosion piping experiment aimed at studying the erosion rate. This temporal aspect of piping complements previous research that focused on the critical head. To study the progression rate in realistic conditions, an experiment was carrie ...

Hoogwater 2021

Feiten en Duiding

In juli 2021 zijn grote delen van Limburg getroffen door hevige regenval en overstromingen. Ook delen van België en Duitsland overstroomden met zeer veel schade en verlies aan mensenlevens tot gevolg. Dit betrof een extreme en ongeëvenaarde gebeurtenis met enorme impact. Daarom i ...
Backward erosion piping is an important failure mode of dikes and dams. The time required for the backward erosion process to result in dike failure is expected to be an important factor in the safety of dikes. This holds especially in coastal and estuarine areas which are domina ...
Apart from the soil erodibility parameter, the critical shear stress is the most important parameter in predicting erosion rates. On the basis of experiments several empirical formulas have already been de-veloped which relate the critical shear stress to soil properties. Based o ...