André Koelewijn
4 records found
Assessing the extent and connectivity of animal burrows using smoke
A practical tool for levee inspections
This short communication presents a practical tool for assessing the subsurface connectivity of animal burrows, with emphasis on its potential for early detection and evaluation of animal-induced damages in levees that can compromise the structure during high water emergencies.
Coastal flood managers seek to anticipate future flood risk and as a result consider the adaptation of flood defences. Instead of crest heightening, dikes can be adapted to include hydrodynamic reducing vegetated foreshores to form a nature-based hybrid flood defence, for instanc
During the July 2021 Flood, the main flood defences along the River Meuse in the Netherlands performed well and did not breach. This paper is meant to document the various incidents on the flood defence system. As such, it provides an overview and description of the reported inci
In regions with a temperate climate, a well-maintained grass sod on a clay layer is considered a reliable protection for dams and dikes. In the Living Lab Hedwige-Prosperpolder, on the left bank of the Scheldt river straddling the border between Belgium and the Netherlands, a ser