Nathalie Asselman

4 records found


In July of 2021, large areas in the catchment of the Meuse River in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany were affected by extreme rainfall and floods. This paper presents the hydraulic and morphological data that were collected during and after the flood. The data were analysed t ...

Klimaatadaptatie in het rivierengebied

Een geo-ecologisch perspectief.

Door klimaatverandering verandert het afvoerregime van onze grote rivieren. Hoogwaters worden hoger en frequenter, laagwaters lager en langduriger. Hoe we daarop reageren hangt af van hoe we klimaatverandering zien: als opgave, of als kans om onvolkomenheden aan te pakken. In dit ...

Room for Rivers

Risk Reduction by Enhancing the Flood Conveyance Capacity of The Netherlands’ Large Rivers

The Netherlands has just finished implementing the Room for the Rivers program along the Rhine and Meuse Rivers in response to increasing river discharges. Recently, making more room for the river is, however, being challenged for future application because the flood defenses are ...
There is increasing attention for the robustness of systems, in view of more frequent and more extreme weather events. Calls to increase a system's robustness are usually motivated by the resulting reduced sensitivity to extreme events and uncertainties about their probability of ...