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82 records found


The present work discusses an innovative approach to metamodeling in reliability that uses a field-transversal rationale. Adaptive metamodeling in reliability is characterized by its large spectra of models and techniques with different assumptions. As a result, the reliabilit ...

Transport network resilience

A mapping and sensitivity analysis strategy to improve the decision-making process during extreme weather events

This paper aims to move forward in the understanding of resilience by improving the quality of available information during the decision-making process. A dynamic methodology together with a bounded travel time cost function is used to quantify the transport resilience, and an an ...

The first Irish public Bike Sharing Scheme (BSS) was launched in Dublin in 2009. Dublinbikes has been internationally recognised as one of the most successful bike-sharing rental schemes in the world. For this reason, among others, the cities of Cork, Limerick and Galway launc ...

The prevailing need for a more sustainable management of natural resources depends not only on the decisions made by governments and the will of the population, but also on the knowledge of the role of energy in our society and the relevance of preserving natural resources. In th ...
The new generation of structural Eurocodes will include climate change adaption measures in order to enhance the climate resilience of infrastructures across Europe. This paper discusses the impact that climate change might have on reinforced concrete structures subjected to corr ...

The open design education approach

An integrative teaching and learning concept for management and engineering

Construction Management and Engineering students need to acquire managing skills for solving real-world problems that are complex, rarely straightforward and lack 'one right answer'. For this, they need to become 'open designers', capable to be reflective, integrative and crea ...

Estimating reliable projections of precipitation considering climate change scenarios is important for hydrological studies. General circulation models provide future climate simulations at large scale in terms of large-scale atmospheric variables (LSAVs). Those LSAVs can be d ...

Despite widespread attention for the governance of infrastructures and improvements of the way infrastructure assets are maintained, the interdependency of infrastructures is not often considered from a systemic maintenance and renovation perspective. In this context, the issue o ...
This paper presents a critical review of the grading entropy approach of permeability-coefficient predictions (k P) for coarse-grained soils. The approach applies the grading entropy theory to particle-size distributions (PSDs), such that the entirety of each gradation curve can ...

Simulation-based education (SE) refers to the use of simulation software, tools, and serious games to enrich the teaching and learning processes. Advances in both computer hardware and software allow for employing innovative methodologies that make use of SE tools to enhance t ...

The report presents the work of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) scientific network on adaptation of structural design to climate change addressing the expected implications of a changing climate on the corrosion of structures. The work first outlines recent EU policies supporting ...

Reliability assessment with adaptive Kriging has gained notoriety due to the Kriging capability of accurately replacing the performance function while performing as a self-improving function for learning procedures. Recent works on adaptive Kriging pursued to improve the effic ...

When analysing the performance of bike-sharing scheme (BSS) stations, it is common to find stations that are located in specific points that capture the interest of users, whereas nearby stations are clearly underused. This uneven behaviour is not totally understood. This pape ...

The capacity of a community to react to and resist during an emergency situation is highly related to the proper functioning of its infrastructure systems. Improving the infrastructure response and recovery capacity through management and adaptation strategies can help increase c ...

The characteristics of civil structures inevitably suffer a certain level of damage during its lifetime and cheap, non-destructive and reliable methods to assess their correct performance are of high importance. Structural System Identification (SSI) using measured response is ...

The concept of intrinsic vulnerability of a traffic network is defined for the first time in this paper. Intrinsic vulnerability is the susceptibility to incidents characterised by a probability of occurrence in space and time of difficult estimation, which can result in consider ...
A new probabilistic safety assessment method applicable to conventional and high speed railway lines is presented. The main idea consists of reproducing the railway line items which are relevant to safety by means of a Bayesian network as an alternative to more limited event and ...
There is a lack of consensus in relation to the operationality of important concepts and descriptors of traffic networks such as resilience and vulnerability. With the aim of determining a framework with mathematical sound to objectively define and delimit these concepts, the exp ...


A stochastic approach on predicting the economic life of assets

A case study on HVAC systems of petrol stations assets in The Netherlands

Many firms are occupied with determining the optimal replacement time of machinery. Machine replacement is a complex investment decision that requires the estimation of future cash flows and other parameters. The non-deterministic character of future cash flows has given rise to ...