S.C. van der Spek
23 records found
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Shaping the user experience of architecture through evidence-based design
From thermal comfort to heat mitigation action
A reproducible QGIS plugin for calculating the physiological equivalent temperature in Dutch cities for informed strategies for mitigating heat stress in public spaces, in a Rotterdam case study
Growing With Cooler Green
To create a climate mitigating city through forest urbanism
Pioneering Inclusive and Flexible 'PHYGITAL' Public Spaces in the Augmented Reality Era
From Parking to the City
An integrated approach to the transformation of Zakopane city into a liveable and sustainable urban environment for its residents
A Restorative Last Mile Towards The Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam
Improving the quality of last mile reachability and arrival, by assessing societies' opinions on urban stress and restoratives, and digitally researching scenarios by the use of personas
Religious Heritage as Placemaker for Rural Cores
A toolbox with design implications for revitalization of rural shrinkage regions in the Netherlands by adressing vacant church heritage and the surrounding village core
Deconstructing the Superblock
Urban Transformation of the Superblock in Shenzhen City to shape more livable communities
Livable energy nodes
A pattern language for densification and energy transition in train station areas in the Netherlands.
Office-user oriented façade design
An interactive/adaptive design approach
Victory compact city
Fostering urban life in the compact city to optimize high density urban living
The influence of the visible views on cyclists' route choices
A geospatial approach for the measurement of the determinants in the urban environment based on 3D isovists and cyclists’ GPS trajectories in Amsterdam
A Virtual Future for London
The impact of virtual reality technology on the daily life of people, and the urban fabric
Streets as Places
Reconnecting Toronto with its waterfront by rediscovering streets as social places
Productive Addis
Increasing accessibility to local income generation by designing a productive open space system
Wi-Fi network-based indoor localisation
The case of the TU Delft campus
Assessing Virtual Reality as an Urban Design Tool
Towards point cloud harmonization
Harmonization of point cloud datasets with varying coordinate reference systems
Raising awareness of citizens by interactively providing environmental data
Pilot of a static sensor network in Delft
Technical Report Towards an Open Point Cloud Map supporting on-the-fly change detection