A.J.L. Adam

15 records found

Finding signs of life on planets outside of Earth is an ongoing challenge in astronomy. Nulling interferometry is a promising method to not only detect exoplanets, but also allow for characterization of their atmospheres. Nulling interferometry has been demonstrated on ground, bu ...
The Kuramoto model (KM) is a well known mathematical model of coupled oscillators that is frequently used to study synchronization phenomena. In this bachelor thesis we investigate the effects of noise on synchronization in Kuramoto-type networks.

In the first part we fo ...

Frequency Scatter in Kinetic Inductance Detectors

Improved Analysis Using Pixel-to-Frequency Mapping Setup

Extremely large telescopes (ELTs) are expected to be one of the most promising astronomical observation instruments when it comes to observing exoplanets. During observations, however, Earth’s atmosphere introduces optical distortion, which needs to be corrected. For this reason, ...
In this thesis we are interested in distinguishing patterns of mesoscale cloud patterns in the trades. Specifically, whether Sugar, Gravel, Fish and Flowers patterns can objectively be identified using physical quantities. For this purpose, we use cloud fraction data attained by ...
Context. In the near-future, exoplanets can be observed directly through telescopes. Although the resolution of the planet's image will only be one pixel at first, the intensity of this pixel will change over time because of the orbit around its host star and its diurnal r ...

A Gas Emission Setup to Evaluate Wideband Sub-mm Spectrometers

For Frequency Calibration and Long Integration Analysis

A gas-cell-based calibration setup was designed to evaluate the wideband response of sub-millimeter spectrometers like DESHIMA (DEep Spectroscopic High-redshift MApper). The use of low pressure gas emission spectra allowed for accurate calibration of the absolute frequency respon ...
Suppose we have a target radiance distribution, a light source, and a plane for receiving light. How do we design a reflector that can give a similar result as the target radiance distribution? The inverse reflector problem is of high interest for light designers and related indu ...
In this report, we will focus on simulating galaxy observations with the Deep Spectroscopic High-redshift Mapper (DESHIMA). To do so, we will discuss and evaluate two main parts needed to accurately perform such a simulation:

Firstly, we will answer the question whether ...
The Deep Spectroscopic High-redshift Mapper, or DESHIMA, is an integrated superconducting spectrometer which measures the redshift of photons originating from submillimeter galaxies. These photons have to travel through the Earth's atmosphere before arriving at DESHIMA, but this ...
In this thesis we consider the reconstruction of albedo maps of exoplanets. This is done with a new variant of spin-orbit tomography that has been described in [Cowan and Agol, 2008] and more in depth in [Fujii and Kawahara, 2012]. This method reconstructs the albedo map from the ...
The idea of having a smart environment to automate day to day tasks appeals to us all. To enable this, we need objects with embedded electronics to communicate with each other in a network known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT communication infrastructure is built on top ...
The concept of optical refrigeration dates back to 1929, when Pringsheim recognized that thermal energy associated with the translational degrees of freedom of isolated atoms could be reduced by the process of anti-Stokes fluorescence. Optical refrigeration of a solid was first e ...
Sub-mm astronomy in space calls for an array of photon noise limited detectors, both for imaging and broadband spectroscopy. Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs), superconducting resonance circuits, are a suitable candidate for this purpose due to its multiplexing poten ...