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R. Saathof

47 records found

One of the most ambitious goals of modern astronomy is to uncover signs of extraterrestrial biological activity, primarily achieved through spectroscopic analysis of light emitted by exoplanets to identify specific atmospheric molecules. Most exoplanets are indirectly identified ...
For free-space optical communication or ground-based optical astronomy, ample data of optical turbulence strength (C 2 n) are imperative but typically scarce. Turbulence conditions are strongly site dependent, so their accurate quantification requires in situ measurements or nume ...
Steering multiple laser beams using spatial light modulators (SLMs) creates unwanted diffraction and reflections that are not modulated by the SLM, which can make beam tracking difficult. A novel, to the best of our knowledge, and simple beam steering methodology is proposed, whi ...
We present a machine learning-based measure-correlate-predict approach that predicts a multi-year time-series of optical turbulence strength (Cn2) with high accuracy (r = 0.78 at 16 locations) based on a single year of in-situ Cn2 measurements and reanalysis data.@en
Free-Space Optical Communication (FSOC) links are considered a key technology to support the increasing needs of our connected, data-heavy world, but they are prone to disturbance through atmospheric processes such as optical turbulence. Since turbulence is highly dependent on lo ...
Optical feeder links (OFLs) benefit from the vast amount of bandwidth available in the THz-regime of the electromagnetic spectrum, and can be considered as enablers for future terabit-per-second satellite systems. A particular challenge for OFLs is to mitigate the effects of fadi ...
Turbulent fluctuations of the atmospheric refraction index, so-called optical turbulence, can significantly distort propagating laser beams. Therefore, modeling the strength of these fluctuations (𝐶2𝑛) is highly relevant for the successful development and deployment of future fre ...
For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, free-space optical (FSO) communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites is a potential solution to overcome the limitations of RF links. To mitigate atmospheric turbule ...
Free space optical (FSO) satellite communications has very attractive properties for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). The quantum channel loss and noise are major factors in setting the maximum achievable secure key rate of QKD systems. Primarily for a LEO satellite node and the B ...
Laser satellite communications provides an attractive application for optical communications. It provides more bandwidth with improved security at potentially a lower cost due to reduced size weight and power (SWAP) and reduced license cost compared to radio frequencies (RF) comm ...


Quantum key distribution from a geostationary satellite

Due to the distance limitation of quantum communication via ground-based fibre networks, space-based quantum key distribution (QKD) is a viable solution to extend such networks over continental and, ultimately, over global distances. Compared to Low Earth Orbits (LEO), QKD from a ...
Optical satellite communications is a maturing technology to enable word-wide access to high throughput internet. In the past years a lot of effort has been taken to increase the applicability and the TRL of this technology. In collaboration with industry, TNO initiated several d ...
The anticipated capacity benefit of optical satellite communications has triggered a cascade of technology developments. In this paper, we present three such technologies, namely; i). A cube satellite laser terminal (CubeCAT), ii). A lower Earth orbit satellite optical head (LEOC ...
Optical communications will complement radio frequency (RF) communications in the coming decades to enhance throughput, power efficiency and link security of satellite communication links. To enable optical communications technology for intersatellite links and (bi-directional) g ...
For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, free-space optical (FSO) communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites is likely to replace conventional RF links. To mitigate atmospheric turbulence, TNO and DLR prop ...
Due to the low photon-count of dark areas of the universe, signal strength of tip-tilt sensor is low, limiting sky-coverage of reliable tip-tilt measurements. This paper presents the low photon-count tip-tilt (LPC-TT) sensor, which potentially achieves improved signal strength. I ...
For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, TNO and DLR envision optical free-space communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites to replace the traditional RF links. To mitigate atmospheric turbulence, an Adapt ...
To overcome data rate limitations of RF communication links with satellites, TNO and DLR envision optical free-space communication feeder links for next generation high throughput satellites. This paper provides a feasibility assessment of such links and the technology needed. Th ...
This paper presents the activities performed by TNO in the field of Space Laser Communication Terminals for high-volume low cost applications, and its plans for the further development of the required technologies for space terminals with particular emphasis on highly reliable, h ...
This paper presents the mechatronic analysis and performance estimation of a pulse-width modulated permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), which is part of a direct-drive rotational servo system. Physical modeling together with dynamic error budgeting are applied to identify t ...