Ivan Ferrario

6 records found

During the last few years, one of our main research topics has been developing a new type of spectropolarimeter intended for space applications. Initially analyzed numerically, the instrument has a compact, stable design without rotating components. The entire Stokes vector can b ...
The last years saw the diffusion of nano, pico and femto satellite missions launched by multiple entities thanks to the launch cost reduction and the electronics miniaturization. Such missions usually present limited capabilities in terms of precise orbit determination and extrem ...
A novel method for space object identification is proposed, based on full Stokes spectropolarimetry in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range. Space objects that have been previously detected and are illuminated by the sun can be observed with a telescope to simultaneousl ...


Quantum key distribution from a geostationary satellite

Due to the distance limitation of quantum communication via ground-based fibre networks, space-based quantum key distribution (QKD) is a viable solution to extend such networks over continental and, ultimately, over global distances. Compared to Low Earth Orbits (LEO), QKD from a ...
This paper presents the activities performed by TNO in the field of Space Laser Communication Terminals for high-volume low cost applications, and its plans for the further development of the required technologies for space terminals with particular emphasis on highly reliable, h ...
For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, TNO and DLR envision optical free-space communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites to replace the traditional RF links. To mitigate atmospheric turbulence, an Adapt ...