Georg Schitter
9 records found
This paper presents the mechatronic analysis and performance estimation of a pulse-width modulated permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), which is part of a direct-drive rotational servo system. Physical modeling together with dynamic error budgeting are applied to identify t
Due to the low photon-count of dark areas of the universe, signal strength of tip-tilt sensor is low, limiting sky-coverage of reliable tip-tilt measurements. This paper presents the low photon-count tip-tilt (LPC-TT) sensor, which potentially achieves improved signal strength. I
Mechanical vibrations and precision of conventional positioning systems are limiting factors for using nano-metrology tools directly in production environments. Vibrations cause relative motion between workpiece and inspection tool, which distorts measurements at the nanometer le
Fast steering mirrors (FMSs) are used in various applications like optical scanning of surfaces, feature detection or beam steering for optical communication systems. This paper introduces Lissajous scan trajectories to improve the tracking performance of a commercial FSM scannin
Mechanical decoupling poses a limit to the achievable positioning precision of a two-body system actuated by a single Lorentz actuator. To control such a system, the damping between the two bodies needs to be adjusted to a trade-off value, which allows both high control bandwidth
Robust feedback control with large parameter uncertainties in a high precision stage with large sample mass variation is presented. Instead of expressing the nominal plant and its uncertainty by parametric models, they are expressed using the identified frequency response data. T
A six degree of freedom, magnetically levitated metrology platform is proposed and implemented to enable nano-scale measurements directly in a production environment by providing vibration isolation. The metrology platform maintains a constant distance between sample and nano-met
Correct tuning of feedback gains is important for AFMs to cope with uncertainties of the system dynamics coming from a large range of different samples, cantilevers and scan parameters. For state of the art AFMs gains have to be adjusted manually by the operator. The typical oper