In recent years electronics have not only become smaller but also faster. The resulting integrated circuits (IC) often operate at radiofrequencies (RF). As a result of the small distance between features and the high operating frequencies, parasitic coupling can occur between fun
In recent years electronics have not only become smaller but also faster. The resulting integrated circuits (IC) often operate at radiofrequencies (RF). As a result of the small distance between features and the high operating frequencies, parasitic coupling can occur between functional elements impacting the functionality of the circuits. Our research therefore presents a novel contactless probe capable of measuring RF voltages and currents with μm-resolution at a bandwidth of 1 to 23 GHz. The probe is fabricated through a multiscale 3D-printing process where the bulk of the chip is printed using Digital Light Processing (DLP) stereolithography. The rest of the probe is printed through a Two-Photon Polymerisation (2PP) process. At the interface, a two-leged cantilever is 2PP printed on top of the DLP print. At the end of the cantilever, a sensing tip is integrated. It contained a triangular loop with a uniform width, and connects the two legs of the cantilever. On top of the triangular loop, a sharp tip is printed. In the last fabrication step, a thin conductive film is deposited by means of thermal evaporation, resulting in a sharp, conductive tip that sits on top of a conductive triangular loop. The loop is connected to the two legs of the cantilever and, hence, a potential over the loop can be measured.
When the probe is brought in proximity to an electrode carrying a time-varying current it inductively couples to the loop. Similarly, when the probe comes close to an electrode subjected to a time-varying voltage, it capacitively couples to the conductive tip. A model-based approach is applied to increase the spatial resolution of the probe. The sharp tip and cantilever allow the probe to be mounted in a modified AFM setup, which is used to accurately position the tip, and determine the tip-circuit distance. The voltage and current are continuously measured while the tip-circuit distance is increased. Sources directly underneath, hence very close to the probe show a non-linear dependence on the tip-circuit distance, whereas parasitic adjacent sources that are further away show an approximately linear dependence on the tip-circuit distance. By fitting the measured data to a mathematical model, the non-linear components can be isolated from the parasitic contributions to the measurement signal. Applying this technique allows us to conduct contactless RF voltage and current measurements with μm-resolution at a bandwidth ranging from 1 to 23 GHz.