R. Zamponi
34 records found
This paper presents an experimental investigation into the aeroacoustic and aerodynamic impact of various flow-permeable fairings having different levels of airflow resistivity, including wire meshes, perforated plates, and 3D-printed materials based on the repetition of diamond-
The application of a porous coating to a bluff body, such as a cylinder, is an efficient passive flow control method and has applications in wind, aerospace, and civil engineering. Despite its effectiveness in reducing vortex-shedding processes and the associated noise-generating
The aeroacoustic performance of porous materials for sound-control applications depends on the flow communication through the medium. Hence, flow-permeable noise-reduction technologies should be tailored to the flow they operate within. A large-scale simulation setup has been dev
This paper elucidates the link between the near-wake development of a circular cylinder coated with a porous material in a low Mach-number flow and the related aerodynamic sound attenuation. It accomplishes this by formulating the cylinder flow-induced noise as a diffraction prob
The empirical calibration of remote microphone probes (RMP), used to acquire wall-pressure fluctuations, can introduce spurious resonance into the sensor transfer function due to the difference in the pressure field inside the calibrator geometry over multiple calibration steps.
The RANS inaccuracy in predicting flow separation becomes relevant in thick-modern blades, especially once they get dirt or eroded. The literature has tackled the problem by modifying the coefficient a 1 in the k - ω - SST turbulence model without considering its dependency on th
The distortion of turbulence interacting with thick airfoils is analyzed with scale-resolved numerical simulations to elucidate its impact on leading-edge-noise generation and prediction. The effect of the leading-edge geometry is investigated by considering two airfoils with dif
A physical analysis has been conducted to assess the effects of turbulence distortion on leading-edge noise generation and low-fidelity modeling in the framework of Amiet's theory. This model retrieves the power spectral density (PSD) of far-field noise using as input the upwash
The present study assesses the ability to numerically predict
turbulence-interaction noise of a NACA0012 airfoil with grid-generated
turbulence by utilizing the Lattice Boltzmann solver PowerFLOW. Both the
near-field flow characteristics and far field noise are bench-marked
Integrating a porous material into the structure of an aerofoil constitutes a promising passive strategy for mitigating the noise from turbulence–body interactions that has been extensively explored in the past few decades. When a compact permeable body is considered in the aeroa
The sound emitted by the flow past a circular cylinder can be described by a quad rupole placed at the outbreak location of the shedding instability and diffracted surface into the far field by the body with a dipolar directivity. This mechanism is greatly stabilized for a cylind
Modern wind turbines employ thick airfoils in the outer region of the blade with strong adverse pressure gradients and high sensitivity to flow separation, which can be anticipated by leading-edge roughness. However, Reynolds average Navier-Stokes simulations currently overpredic
The analytical model for leading-edge noise prediction formulated by Amiet, developed for a flat plate, relates the far-field acoustic pressure to the upstream inflow conditions, modeled by canonical turbulence spectra. The inaccurate results provided by this low-fidelity method
The aerodynamic noise radiated by the flow past a cylinder in the subcritical regime can be modeled by a quadrupolar sound source placed at the onset position of the vortex-shedding instability that is scattered by the surface with a dipolar directivity. When the cylinder is coat
Unsteady surface pressures shed light on the turbulent structures of boundary-layer flows, which dictate for a large part the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance of bodies submersed in a flow. Remote microphone probes (RMP) provide advantages compared to flush-mounted probes
Sound emissions of an automotive engine cooling system are studied using both single-microphone directivity measurements and a rotating beamforming technique. These measurements provide reference acoustic data on such a system and some new understanding of the effect that the rad
Coating a circular cylinder with porous materials constitutes an effective passive strategy for reducing the flow-induced noise linked to the vortex shedding. Despite the number of investigations in the last decade, the noise-mitigation mechanisms associated with this technique r
An experimental investigation on jet-installation noise reduction with permeable flaps on an aircraft half-model is performed, focusing on the effects on the noise levels as well as on the aerodynamic properties of the model (lift and drag forces). A nozzle with an exit diameter
A small didactic wind tunnel demonstrator has been designed and manufactured at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics to illustrate the physical principles at stake in flow-induced noise generation, offer an audible perception of the effectiveness of noise-mitigation strate
Integrating porous materials into the structure of an airfoil constitutes a promising passive strategy for mitigating the noise from turbulence-body interactions that has been extensively explored in the past few decades. When a compact permeable body is considered in the aeroaco