R.N. Roeplal
5 records found
Bed permeability is a crucial factor in blast furnace performance which depends on the material distribution achieved through charging. Since a homogeneous bed of pellet and sinter is recommended, it is crucial to understand whether segregation of the pellet-sinter mixture occurs
In this paper we introduce the open-source code MercuryDPM: a code for simulating discrete particles. The paper discusses software and management issues that may be interesting for the developers of other open-source codes. Then we review the new features that have been added sin
Bed permeability is a crucial factor in blast furnace efficiency and stability. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) has been used extensively to model material flow in different parts of the furnace and holds great potential for optimizing the permeability. The inherent computation
Segregation control is a challenging yet crucial aspect of bulk material handling processes. The discrete element method (DEM) can offer useful insights into segregation phenomena, provided that reliable models are developed. The main challenge in this regard is finding a good ba
Faster, more flexible particle simulations
The future of MercuryDPM
We focus on the main new developments underway in MercuryDPM. New features include deformable clusters (agglomerates), experimental coarse-graining, melting particles, particle-solid interactions, multi-resolution particle-fluid coupling, pressurecontrolled Lees-Edwards boundarie