A.S.K. Elkadi
17 records found
Monopile-sand interaction under lateral cyclic loading
Simulation of centrifuge test data using a cyclic 1D p-y model
The response of monopiles to lateral loading has attracted considerable research interest in recent years. As monopile foundations are exposed to ever-harsher environmental conditions, the engineering tools used for their simulation should continually update and improve. Recently
The vibratory installation of monopiles as foundation for offshore wind turbines is considered a plausible solution next to the conventional installation method (impact-hammering). One of the main advantages is the lower noise emissions, reducing harm to the marine life. However,
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) at a sandy site combining axial and torsional vibrations
Part II - cyclic/dynamic lateral loading tests
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) is a new technology for the vibratory installation of tubular (mono)piles. Its founding principle is that both efficient installation and low noise emission can be achieved by applying to the pile a combination of axial and torsional vibrations. Prel
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) at a sandy site combining axial and torsional vibrations
Part I - installation tests
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) is a new technology for the vibratory installation of tubular (mono)piles. Its founding principle is that both efficient installation and low noise emission can be achieved by applying to the pile a combination of axial and torsional vibrations. Prel
A novel pile-driving technique, named Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP), that combines axial low-frequency and torsional high-frequency vibrations has been developed and tested recently. During the experimental campaign, several piles were installed onshore, making use of the GDP sha