The response of monopiles to lateral loading has attracted considerable research interest in recent years. As monopile foundations are exposed to ever-harsher environmental conditions, the engineering tools used for their simulation should continually update and improve. Recently
The response of monopiles to lateral loading has attracted considerable research interest in recent years. As monopile foundations are exposed to ever-harsher environmental conditions, the engineering tools used for their simulation should continually update and improve. Recently, the challenge of simulating the behaviour of monopiles under lateral loads has been addressed to a significant extent through a combination of numerical modelling and experimental data. Although monotonic response calculations are still relevant to monopile design, it should be acknowledged that offshore environmental loads are inherently cyclic. To improve the engineering tools for the simulation of cyclic monopile behaviour and our understanding of the relevant geotechnical mechanisms, this study presents and discusses the outcome of advanced 1D cyclic soil reaction modelling of monopile-soil interactions employed to simulate centrifuge data conducted as part of the MIDAS research project. The memory-enhanced p-y model proves capable of simulating cyclic ratcheting behaviour in complex loading histories, which promotes the discussion for the evolution of relevant soil reaction mechanisms during cyclic loads. Finally, preliminary calibration strategies for the employed cyclic soil reaction models are presented.