A. Askarinejad

64 records found

The authors present a comprehensive numerical study on the lateral response of pile foundations in sands with a constant relative density. The influence of the pile configuration (length (L) diameter (D) and flexural rigidity), load eccentricity (h), sand type and relative densit ...
To mitigate against scour hole formation, scour protection can be placed around offshore wind turbine monopiles. Few studies have considered the beneficial effect of this geotechnical reinforcement measure on the foundation lateral resistance. The contribution of scour protection ...
Many flood protection dams in Europe were built more than 100 years ago. These dams often do not meet current flood protection requirements due to increased level of safety requirements, higher damage potential in the valley plains and due to higher peak discharges or water level ...
A newly developed line-style sand pluviator has been calibrated to prepare repeatable sand specimens of specific statuses of compactness and homogeneity for laboratory tests. Sand is falling via a bottom slot of a fixed hopper, and by moving the sample container under the slot, t ...

Monopile-sand interaction under lateral cyclic loading

Simulation of centrifuge test data using a cyclic 1D p-y model

The response of monopiles to lateral loading has attracted considerable research interest in recent years. As monopile foundations are exposed to ever-harsher environmental conditions, the engineering tools used for their simulation should continually update and improve. Recently ...
This paper presents a synthesis of recent and new research conducted by the authors on laterally loaded monopiles in drained sand. The research involved reduced-scale field tests, centrifuge model tests, finite element (FE) simulations and comparisons of design approaches with pu ...
Predicting the non-linear loading response is the key to the design of suction caissons. This paper presents a systematic study to explore the applicability of deep learning techniques in foundation design. Firstly, a series of three-dimensional finite element simulations was per ...
Fuelled by technological innovations and the growing commitment of countries to reduce their carbon footprint, offshore wind has steadily been gaining ground on non-sustainable sources of energy. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) [2], it is foreseen that wind wil ...
Piles have been widely used as foundations to resist lateral loads. For the design of a laterally loaded pile, one of the most important inputs is the ultimate soil resistance (pult = KultDσv′,whereKult is the ultimate lateral soil resistance coef ...
Predicting the nonlinear load response of caisson foundations is critical to the foundation design. Despite extensive studies aimed at developing models for predicting the combined V-H-M bearing capacity of suction caissons in clay, accurately predicting the three-dimensional (3D ...
Early Warning Systems (EWS) are non-structural measures for landslides disaster prevention. They are based on the detection of impending failure signals. The results of a landslide simulation experiment where accelerometers were used to identify pre-failure signals are presented ...
The influence of combined loading on the response of monopiles used to support offshore wind turbines (OWTs) is investigated in this paper. In current practice, resistance of monopiles to vertical and lateral loading is considered separately. As OWT size has increased, the slende ...
Monopiles are the most popular foundation for offshore wind turbines. These foundations typically have a low length to diameter ratio and undergo a rigid body rotation when subjected to lateral load. This paper presents results from an extensive numerical investigation involving ...
Large areas of the Netherlands are dominated by deep, soft soil deposits, posing a challenge to engineers with respect to the design of axially loaded foundations. The design of these foundations is primarily based on methods which use cone penetration test (CPT) parameters, such ...
The scour protection layers are usually installed around the monopiles to prevent the formation of scour hole. While extensive studies have been performed on the effectiveness of scour protection layer as mitigation measure, no study to date has been found to quantify the influen ...
Due to the environmental crisis, there is a need for a more conscious and integrating design process within the field of urban infrastructure development. Through cooperation between civil engineering and spatial design resilience of the built environment can be increased. Delft ...
The majority of offshore wind structures are supported on large-diameter, rigid monopile foundations. These piles may be subjected to scour due to the waves and currents that causes a loss of soil support and consequently decreases the pile capacity and system stiffness. The resu ...
The large-diameter monopiles are the most preferred foundation used in offshore wind farms. However, the influence of pile diameter and aspect ratio on the lateral bearing behavior of monopiles in sand with different relative densities has not been systematically studied. This st ...
In this study, a total number of 20 centrifuge tests were carried out to investigate monopile behaviour under lateral cyclic loading. The instrumented model pile simulates an offshore wind turbine foundation with an embedment ratio of 5 installed in sand layers with two relative ...
This paper interprets the hydromechanical behaviour of a steep, forested, instrumented slope during an artificial rainfall event, which triggered a shallow slope failure 15 h after rainfall initiation. The soil's mechanical response has been simulated by coupled hydro-mechanical ...