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JGM van Mier
Academic Work (61)
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Conference paper (39)
Journal article (17)
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61 records found
Calibration of a higher-order continum model using global and local data
Journal article (2008) -
C Iacono (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Parameters identification of a nonlocal continuum damage model
Conference paper (2006) -
C Iacono (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Experimental investigation of size effect in concrete fracture under multiaxial compression
Journal article (2006) -
A.S.K. Elkadi (author)
AS Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S.K. Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S. Elkadi (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Multiaxial failure of low-cohesive frictional materials: fracture behaviour and size dependency
Journal article (2006) -
A. S.K. Elkadi (author)
AS Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A.S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S. Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
Scaling of multiaxial compressive fracture
Conference paper (2006) -
A.S.K. Elkadi (author)
AS Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S.K. Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S. Elkadi (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Inverse estimates of fracture model parameters
Conference paper (2005) -
C Iacono (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Estimation of model parameters in nonlocal damage theories by inverse analysis techniques
Journal article (2005) -
C Iacono (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Effect of ITZ-percolation on tensile fracture properties of 2-phase particle composites
Conference paper (2004) -
JGM van Mier (author)
G Lilliu (author)
Scaled hollow-cylinder tests for studying size effect in fracture processes of concrete
Conference paper (2004) -
A.S.K. Elkadi (author)
AS Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S.K. Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S. Elkadi (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Parameter identification of computational fracture model
Conference paper (2004) -
C Iacono (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
Inverse procedure for parameters identification of continuum damage models
Conference paper (2004) -
C Iacono (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Drying of Porous Media: Numerical and Experimental Approach
Conference paper (2004) -
D. Jankovic (author)
D Jankovic (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Self-compacting hybrid-fibre concrete - mix design, workability and mechanical properties
Conference paper (2003) -
I Markovic (author)
I Markovic (author)
J.C. Walraven (author)
JC Walraven (author)
Joost Walraven (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Development of an inverse procedure for parameters estimates of numerical models
Conference paper (2003) -
C Iacono (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Stress induced failure in hollow-cylinder tests and its size dependence
Conference paper (2003) -
A.S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S. Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
A. S.K. Elkadi (author)
AS Elkadi (author)
Ahmed S.K. Elkadi (author)
C.J. de Pater (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Fracture modeling using a micro-structural mechanics approach; I Theory and formulation
Journal article (2002) -
CS Chang (author)
CS Chang (author)
TK Wang (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Preliminary investigation of drying shrinkage cement paste specimens
Conference paper (2002) -
D. Jankovic (author)
D Jankovic (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Effect of particle density on tensile fracture properties of model concrete
Conference paper (2002) -
G Lilliu (author)
A Meda (author)
C Shi (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Fracture modeling using a microstructural mechanics approach-II. finite element analysis
Journal article (2002) -
CS Chang (author)
CS Chang (author)
TK Wang (author)
Lambertus J. Sluijs (author)
LJ Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluys (author)
L. J. Sluijs (author)
LJ Sluijs (author)
B. Sluys (author)
L.J. Sluijs (author)
B. Sluijs (author)
L.J. Sluys (author)
Bert Sluys (author)
Lambertus J. Sluys (author)
Bert Sluijs (author)
JGM van Mier (author)
Analysis of 3D crack propagation in random lattice structures with particle overlay
Conference paper (2002) -
G Lilliu (author)
JGM van Mier (author)