T. Molenkamp
13 records found
Sound emission in offshore pile driving by vibratory devices
Gentle driving of piles, the silent way
Offshore wind energy has gained recognition inEurope as a pivotal solution for transitioning to renewable energy sources. Due to limited land space, the European seas offer immense potential for offshore wind energy. The EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy advocates for an acce
Underwater noise pollution during the installation of foundation piles offshore using large impact hammers can adversely affect marine fauna. In recent years, several vibratory techniques have been developed to drive large foundation piles offshore. One promising technology is ca
Vibratory offshore pile driving offers a potential solution for reducing the underwater noise generated during the installation of foundation piles compared to using impact hammers. Existing noise prediction models are specifically tailored to impact pile driving scenarios. This
The installation of foundation piles for offshore wind turbines using traditional hydraulic impact hammers raises concerns about the impact of underwater noise on marine life. To address this issue, the offshore wind industry investigates the use of alternative driving techniques
Offshore wind energy holds significant promise as a solution in the energy transition. However, installing offshore pile foundations can generate substantial levels of underwater noise, posing potential risks to marine life. This paper examines the influence of asymmetric impact
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) at a sandy site combining axial and torsional vibrations
Part I - installation tests
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) is a new technology for the vibratory installation of tubular (mono)piles. Its founding principle is that both efficient installation and low noise emission can be achieved by applying to the pile a combination of axial and torsional vibrations. Prel
Due to the growing demand in offshore wind, increasing numbers of foundation piles are planned to be installed in the coming decades. Monopiles driven by impact hammers have a large environmental impact on aquatic life. Vibratory pile driving is a promising alternative that gener
The growing interest in offshore wind leads to an increasing number of wind farms planned to be constructed in the coming years. Installation of these piles often causes high underwater noise levels that harm aquatic life. State-of-the-art models have problems predicting the nois
In the original publication, Eqs. (11) and (17) are published incorrectly, and this has been corrected as follows: (Formula presented.) The original article has been revised.@en
This paper presents a computationally efficient mode-matching method to predict the relative axial motion of two elastic rods in frictional contact. The motion is of the stick-slip type and is non-uniform along the rods. The proposed method utilizes the piecewise linearity of the
The paper establishes a computationally inexpensive method to deal with the dynamic response of liquid storage tanks subjected to seismic excitation including dynamic soil-structure interaction. The tank is modelled as a thin shell, the stored liquid is described asan inviscid an
In this paper, a new model is developed to describe the nonlinear dynamics of twoaxially deformable bars sliding relative to each other in which the interaction is governed byfriction. The first bar is fixed at one end and is subjected to a distributed normal force perpen-dicular
A novel pile-driving technique, named Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP), that combines axial low-frequency and torsional high-frequency vibrations has been developed and tested recently. During the experimental campaign, several piles were installed onshore, making use of the GDP sha