J.L. Kloosterman

341 records found

A three-dimensional whole-core transient coupled thermal-hydraulic and neutronics code system for modeling prismatic high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) is presented. The discrete ordinates method code PHANTOM-SN was used to solve the multigroup neutron transport problem ...
This paper presents an experimental study for the transient growth of an ice layer in a square channel under laminar flow conditions and a mixed convection heat transfer regime. The ice layer was grown from a cold plate located at the bottom of the channel, capable of reaching te ...
This work presents two color LIF temperature measurements for the transient freezing in a square channel under laminar flow conditions. This is the first time non-intrusive temperature measurements were performed within the thermal boundary layer during the transient growth of an ...
We present a finite volume adaptive mesh refinement method for solid-liquid phase change problems with convection. The refinement criterion consisted of three different error estimators for the solid-liquid interface, the flow field, and the temperature field respectively. For th ...
Five Euratom projects launched since 2017 in support of the development of ESNII/Generation-IV reactor systems are briefly presented in the paper in terms of key objectives, results, and recommendations for the future. These projects focus on various aspects of the following ESNI ...
We present a discontinuous Galerkin method for melting/solidification problems based on the “linearized enthalpy approach,” which is derived from the conservative form of the energy transport equation and does not depend on the use of a so-called mushy zone. We use the symmetric ...
A method based on ultrasonic wave propagation is applied for the determination of the viscosity of low viscous liquids. A waveguide is used to remotely transmit the ultrasonic waves from a shear piezoelectric transducer into the liquid. At the solid-liquid interface, a guided wav ...
We present an approach to build a reduced-order model for nonlinear, time-dependent, parametrized partial differential equations in a nonintrusive manner. The approach is based on combining proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) with a Smolyak hierarchical interpolation model for ...
In this paper, we present a reduced-order modeling approach to study the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR). Our approach is nonintrusive and based on the proper orthogonal decomposition method. We include adaptivity in selecting the sampling points both in time and parameter space. ...
We use a novel nonintrusive adaptive Reduced Order Modeling method to build a reduced model for a molten salt reactor system. Our approach is based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition combined with locally adaptive sparse grids. Our reduced model captures the effect of 27 model pa ...
Performing accurate numerical simulations of molten salt reactors is challenging, especially in case of fast-spectrum designs, due to the unique physics phenomena characterizing these systems. The limitations of codes traditionally used in the nuclear community often require the ...
Accurate methods to solve the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled to turbulence models are still of great interest, as this is often the only computationally feasible approach to simulate complex turbulent flows in large engineering applications. In this work ...
In reactor core nodal analysis, the dependence of few-group, homogenized cross sections on the local physical conditions (i.e., the thermal-hydraulic state and material composition) is commonly represented via multivariate interpolation in parameterized libraries. In this paper, ...
Numerical simulations of fast MSRs constitute a challenging task. In fact, classical codes employed in reactor physics cannot be used, and new dedicated multi-physics tools must be developed, to capture the unique features of these systems: the strong coupling between neutronics ...
The core of a Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) consists of cylindrical fuel rods that are wrapped by a helicoidally-wound wire spacer to enhance mixing and to prevent damage by fretting. It is known that the liquid metal close to the rod is forced to follow the wires, an ...
Large-scale complex systems require high fidelity models to capture the dynamics of the system accurately. The complexity of these models, however, renders their use to be expensive for applications relying on repeated evaluations, such as control, optimization, and uncertainty q ...
Gap vortex streets characterise many industrial applications involving rod bundle flows, such as heat exchangers and nuclear reactors. These structures, known as gap vortex streets, may excite the structural components of the bundle to resonance, leading to fretting and fatigue. ...
This paper focuses on the freeze-plug, a key safety component of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor, one of the Gen. IV nuclear reactors that must excel in safety, reliability, and sustainability. The freeze-plug is a valve made of frozen fuel salt, designed to melt when an event requi ...
The core of a Liquid Metal Fast Reactor (LMFR) has wires wrapped helicoidally around the fuel pins. This solution prevents damage of the cladding by fretting, and pushes the coolant flow through the gaps between the pins, thus, enhancing the heat exchange. The wires make the flow ...
We propose a two-dimensional (2-D) modal approach for spatial rehomogenization of nodal cross sections in light water reactor analysis. This algorithm aims to synthesize the variation in the 2-D intranodal distributions of the few-group flux and directional net currents between t ...