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M.L. van de Ruit

18 records found

Migraine is a highly prevalent brain condition with paroxysmal changes in brain excitability believed to contribute to the initiation of an attack. The attacks and their unpredictability have a major impact on the lives of patients. Clinical management is hampered by a lack of re ...
Introduction: Migraine is associated with enhanced visual sensitivity during and outside attacks. Processing of visual information is a highly non-linear process involving complex interactions across (sub)cortical networks. In this exploratory study, we combined electroencephalog ...

System identification

A feasible, reliable and valid way to quantify upper limb motor impairments

Background: Upper limb impairments in a hemiparetic arm are clinically quantified by well-established clinical scales, known to suffer poor validity, reliability, and sensitivity. Alternatively, robotics can assess motor impairments by characterizing joint dynamics through system ...
Humans vary the stiffness in their joints depending on tasks and circumstances. For posture control a high joint stiffness is required to withstand perturbations, whereas for force control a low joint stiffness is required. To investigate how humans vary their joint stiffness pre ...

Quantifying Joint Stiffness During Movement

A Quantitative Comparison of Time-Varying System Identification Methods

Careful control of joint impedance, or dynamic joint stiffness, is crucial for successful performance of movement. Time-varying system identification (TV-SysID) enables quantification of joint impedance during movement. Several TV-SysID methods exist, but have never been systemat ...
Background: Proprioception is important for regaining motor function in the paretic upper extremity after stroke. However, clinical assessments of proprioception are subjective and require verbal responses from the patient to applied proprioceptive stimuli. Cortical responses evo ...
Accurate and swift tuning of joint impedance is crucial to perform movement and interaction with our environment. Time-varying system identification enables quantification of joint impedance during movement. Many methods have been developed over the years, each with their own mat ...
Background: A trend in the non-invasive brain stimulation literature is to assess the outcome of an intervention using a responder analysis whereby participants are di- or trichotomised in order that they may be classified as either responders or non-responders. Objective: Examin ...
Motor learning has been linked with increases in corticospinal excitability (CSE). However, the robustness of this link is unclear. In this study, changes in CSE associated with learning a visuomotor tracking task were mapped using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS map ...


An open-source software for manual transcranial magnetic stimulation coil positioning

Background During Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) experiments researchers often use a neuronavigation system to precisely and accurately maintain coil position and orientation. New method This study aimed to develop and validate an open-source software for TMS coil naviga ...
During movements, humans continuously regulate their joint impedance to minimize control effort and optimize performance. Joint impedance describes the relationship between a joint's position and torque acting around the joint. Joint impedance varies with joint angle and muscl ...
In this study, a nonparametric method, developed in Lataire et al. (2012), is applied to the identification of linear time-varying human joint admittance. The aim of the method, denoted Skirt Decomposition method, is to reconstruct the time-varying system function. The main contr ...
During movement, our central nervous system (CNS) takes into account the dynamics of our environment to optimally adapt our joint dynamics. In this study we explored the adaptation of shoulder joint dynamics when a participant interacted with a time-varying virtual environment cr ...
Both motor imagery and mirror training have been used in motor rehabilitation settings to promote skill learning and plasticity. As motor imagery and mirror training are suggested to be closely linked, it was hypothesized that mirror training augmented by motor imagery would incr ...
Objective: The clinical use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as a technique to assess corticospinal excitability is limited by the time for data acquisition and the measurement variability. This study aimed at evaluating the relia ...
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a widespread technique to study corticospinal excitability. Its use in longitudinal studies is crucial to analyze the plasticity induced by rehabilitation treatments on neuromotor-impaired subjects. As TMS-related measures fluctuate with ...
Coupling between cortical oscillations and muscle activity facilitates neuronal communication during motor control. The linear part of this coupling, known as corticomuscular coherence, has received substantial attention, even though neuronal communication underlying motor contro ...