J.P. Meijaard

20 records found

Kinematic joints are classified in lower pairs and higher pairs. Most multibody modelling techniques focus on lower pairs, because a complete classification in six types is available. Higher pairs are more diverse. In this article, higher pairs that can be exactly modelled by low ...
Background: The steep radiation dose gradients in cervical cancer brachytherapy (BT) necessitate a thorough understanding of the behavior of afterloader source cables or needles in the curved channels of (patient-tailored) applicators. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to dev ...
Humans vary the stiffness in their joints depending on tasks and circumstances. For posture control a high joint stiffness is required to withstand perturbations, whereas for force control a low joint stiffness is required. To investigate how humans vary their joint stiffness pre ...
The dynamic balancing of flexible mechanisms, that is, the reduction or elimination of shaking forces and shaking moments on the support structure, is considered. Two approaches are pursued: one uses similarity and the other modal balancing. A single rotating link can be balanced ...
The use of principal points and principal vectors in the formulation of the equations of motion of a general 4R planar four-bar linkage is shown with two kinds of methods, one that opens kinematic loops and one that does not. The opened kinematic loop approach analyses the moving ...
A review of the current use of multibody dynamics methods in the analysis of the dynamics of vehicles is given. Railway vehicle dynamics as well as road vehicle dynamics are considered, where for the latter the dynamics of cars and trucks and the dynamics of single-track vehicles ...
The dynamic balance of planar mechanisms with flexible links is considered. A balancing principle for a single prismatic beam with a number of support points is developed, which is based on modal balancing. The cases with two and four support points are applied to a planar four-b ...
This paper is a first approach in finding design principles for the design of shaking force balanced compliant mechanisms. Shaking force balance means that the motions of the mechanism do not create any resultant dynamic reaction forces on the base, eliminating base vibrations.It ...
Some thoughts about different ways of formulating the equations of motion of a four-bar mechanism are communicated. Four analytic methods to derive the equations of motion are compared. In the first method, Lagrange’s equations in the traditional form are used, and in a second me ...
The motion of a four-bar linkage is considered with the goal to study the use of principal vectors to formulate the equations of motion and to get insight. Firstly, kinematic relations for the positions, velocities and accelerations are derived. Then, the motion of the centre of ...
For the Delta robot, a high-speed parallel pick-and-place manipulator, base vibrations are a significant problem. Especially since the Delta robot is suspended above its workpiece, it requires a large, stiff, and heavy base frame for fast and accurate motions. Dynamic balancing o ...
It can be observed that there is a wide variety in the width of bicycle lanes. It can range from wide to very narrow, see figure 1. Several guidelines disagree on the desired width of a bicycle lane [1, 2]. These guidelines are mainly based on observations and best practices. Ins ...
A flexure strip has constraint characteristics, such as stiffness properties and error motions, that govern its performance as a basic constituent of flexure mechanisms. This paper presents a new modeling approach for obtaining insight into the deformation and stiffness character ...

Comparison of three-dimensional flexible beam elements for dynamic analysis

Classical finite element formulation and absolute nodal coordinate formulation

Three formulations for a flexible spatial beam element for dynamic analysis are compared: a Timoshenko beam with large displacements and rotations, a fully parametrized element according to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF), and an ANCF element based on an elastic ...
In this paper, an experimental validation of some modelling aspects of an uncontrolled bicycle is presented. In numerical models, many physical aspects of the real bicycle are considered negligible, such as the flexibility of the frame and wheels, play in the bearings, and precis ...

Comparison of three-dimensional flexible thin plate elements for multibody dynamic analysis

Finite element formulation and absolute nodal coordinate formulation

Three formulations for a flexible 3-D thin plate element for dynamic analysis within a multibody dynamics environment are compared: a classical Discrete Kirchhoff Triangle (DKT) with large displacements and large rotations, a fully parametrized rectangular element according to th ...

Comparison of three-dimensional flexible beam elements for dynamic analysis

Finite element method and absolute nodal coordinate formulation

Three formulations for a flexible spatial beam element for dynamic analysis are compared: a finite element method (FEM) formulation, an absolute nodal coordinate (ANC) formulation with a continuum mechanics approach and an ANC formulation with an elastic line concept where the sh ...
In the case of small elastic deformations in a exible multi- body system, the periodic motion of the system can be modelled as a superposition of a small linear vibration and a non-linear rigid body motion. For the small deformations this analysis re-sults in a set of linear dier ...