Peter Ruggiero
12 records found
This paper shows the first results of measured spatial variability of beach erosion due to aeolian processes during the recently conducted SEDEX2 field experiment at Long Beach, Washington, U.S.A.. Beach erosion and sedimentation were derived using series of detailed terrestrial
Seasonal variability in wave conditions drive corresponding cycles of erosion and accretion along sandy beaches. Despite the fact that these oscillations are well documented at numerous sites throughout the world, the physical processes driving beach recovery remain poorly unders
Dunes provide the first line of defense from elevated water levels in low-lying coastal systems, limiting potentially major flooding, economic damages, and loss of livelihood. Despite the well documented importance of healthy dunes, our predictive ability of dune growth, particul
Beach and dune building processes
Linking nearshore to backshore and events to decades (Invited)
Due to the wide range of complex processes in the active coastal zone, individual studies have tended to focus on specific time scales (e.g., event-scale erosion) and/or specific morphological units, (e.g., the nearshore bar zone). As a result, the wet and dry portions of the bea
Crossing the Shoreline Divide
Toward modeling the co-evolution of dune, beach and nearshore systems (Invited)
Duran and Moore (2013) recently extended the model of Hermann et al. (2008) to create an aeolian eco-morphodynamic model (the Coastal Dune Model, CDM) to simulate the formation of coastal foredunes. De Vries et al. (2014) initiated development of a model to simulate the influence
Coastal dunes are generally dynamic due to a combination of marine and aeolian sediment transport processes. The growth of coastal dunes is generally governed by wind driven sediment transport. Quantifying and predicting aeolian sediment transport processes is a scientific and pr
The Sand Motor is an artificial sandy peninsula extruding from the Dutch coast about 1 kilometer into the North Sea (Stive et al., 2013). It is virtually permanently exposed to tides, waves and wind and is consequently highly dynamic. In order to understand the complex morphologi
The interface between the land and sea is complex. During high energy conditions large waves and elevated water levels can cause severe beach and dune erosion, whereas recovery takes place during extended periods of calm. Recent advances in numerical modeling have improved our ab