Crossing the Shoreline Divide

Toward modeling the co-evolution of dune, beach and nearshore systems (Invited)

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Duran and Moore (2013) recently extended the model of Hermann et al. (2008) to create an aeolian eco-morphodynamic model (the Coastal Dune Model, CDM) to simulate the formation of coastal foredunes. De Vries et al. (2014) initiated development of a model to simulate the influence of supply-limiting factors on aeolian transport (now the AeoLiS model). Roelvink et al. (2009) developed a modelling approach to dune erosion, overwashing and breaching (XBeach), which connects the upper shoreface with dune systems during storms. Despite the importance of interactions that occur across the spatial domains and range of conditions represented by these process-based models, CDM and AeoLiS treat storm erosion in a schematized way and XBeach does not address inter-storm development of topography. Thus, we are collaborating to develop WindSurf, consisting of: (1) XBeach (2) CDM and (3) AeoLiS. In addressing both subaqueous and subaerial sediment transport and erosion during storms as well as inter-storm evolution of subaerial topography, the resulting coupled model will allow, for the first time, process-based simulation of event- and decadal-scale co-evolution of nearshore, beach and dune systems.