A.G.C. van Boeijen
42 records found
Different flags over shared terrain
Making sense of ‘design labels’
Design students, professionals, and academics often use design labels, such as social design, co-design, and sustainable design, to position or explain their work. We argue that the labels are insufficient for a clear and nuanced approach to describing design practices, and sugge
Erasing stigmas through storytelling
Why interactive storytelling environments could reduce health-related stigmas
In this article we describe how designers can apply storytelling to reduce health-related stigmas. Stigma is a pervasive problem for people with illnesses, such as obesity, and it can persistently hinder coping, treatment, recovery, and prevention. Reducing health-related stigma
Weight-related stigma’s have an negative health effect on the stigmatized. To reduce stigma, it is essential to create awareness and discuss the underlying beliefs and consequences. The problem is that people avoid talking and thinking about it. To solve this we designed a storyt
Design Labels
The Words that Divide & Unite Us
"This paper explores the limitations and functions of design labels, such as social design, codesign, and sustainable design. It argues for a clearer and more nuanced approach to describing design practices. The authors collected over seventy of such labels and categorized them i
How to include the sociocultural context in food design
Insights, tools and strategies
Designers hope that their innovations will be adopted by the people they are designed for. How well their designs align with consumers’ cultural contexts is a key determinant of whether they are accepted or rejected. This is especially
important for food solutions, as eating ...
important for food solutions, as eating ...
Playful Learning by Design in Kenya
Remote Development of Design Education Workshops for Rural Kenya
Design projects can function as a carrier for learning a subset of 21st century skills – but how does that play out in a rural community in Kenya that is unfamiliar with this approach to design education, and in a culture and context that the developers of such design education a
This paper presents two master graduation design projects that address unconscious biases (UB) in the context of design education related to two topics: gender and skin colour. In addition to their sensitivity to exclusion and injustice, two design students brought in their analy
Contributing to the broader concept of a sociable smart city enabling a transforming society into a more participative domain where innovation takes place, the chapter addresses the economic revitalization of Middellandstraat, a multicultural shopping street in Rotterdam, The Net
'Er is nog één smal stoeltje vrij. Wat doe je?’
Spel maakt stigmatisering van overgewicht bespreekbaar
Zware mensen hebben vaak te maken met vooroordelen. Hier kun je iets aan doen door erover te praten, maar dat is moeilijk. Welke taal gebruik je dan? Er is nu een spel dat hierbij helpt. Het werd bekroond tijdens het DRONGO talenfestival@en
Culture Sensitive Design
A guide to culture in practice
Societies worldwide are increasingly interconnected through trade, migration, education, and digitisation. This has resulted in a profound new complexity of cultural groups. Consequently, designers are confronted with the challenge of gaining a clear understanding of this cultura
Over the last half century, design education has diversified and developed considerably, in part in the arts academies, and increasingly in universities and vocational technical education. The TU Delft design program was founded in 1969, and has since grown quickly into a large,
Delft Design Guide
Perspectives, models, approaches, methods
Delft Design Guide provides an overview of the perspectives, models, approaches, and methods used in the bachelor's and master's curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Some of these are unique to the university, others are well k
This paper presents insights from a new course format, in which design practitioners from all over the world participate online together with master’s design students, who work both online and offline. This case study shows that such a double blended form of education is motivati
Developing cultural sensitivity
A student’s perspective
Cultural sensitivity is an important issue in design and not only about dealing with cultural diversity, but also about designing for cultural dilemmas that are related to multi-cultural contexts. This paper is concerned with cultural sensitivity and presents students’ perspectiv
A communication toolkit for designers to gain empathic insights across cultural boundaries
Designing successful products and services that people like, requires an understanding of the context and the aspirations of those people. Over the past decade, a range of methods has been developed to help designers gain such empathy. These have worked well when designer and tar
Generative Research Techniques Crossing Cultures
A Field Study in China
The value of understanding user needs has been recognized by industry, and user research methods have become an accepted part of industrial design practice. These techniques were originally developed and tested for Western markets, with participants from Western cultures. More re
Culture sensitive contextmapping
Discovering the strengths of Eastern and Western participants
Contextmapping - a set of generative design techniques, used by designers to understand the context of their intended users - has been used successfully over a decade with Western participants, both in practice as well as in design education. However, for East Asian participants,
Culture sensitive design education
The best of all worlds
The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of sensitivity for cultural aspects of design, in design education. This relates to the cultural context of the intended users, as well as to the cultural context of design students and design educators. In both cases sensitivity