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MFP Bierkens
Academic Work (10)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (9)
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10 records found
Journal article (2015) -
MFP Bierkens (author)
VA Bell (author)
M Florke (author)
DJ Gochis (author)
P Houser (author)
Rolf Hut (author)
J Keune (author)
S Kollet (author)
RM Maxwell (author)
JT Reager (author)
L Samaniego (author)
E Sudicky (author)
P Burek (author)
EH Sutanudjaja (author)
N. van de Giesen (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
EF Wood (author)
N Chaney (author)
|LE Condon (author)
CH David (author)
A. de Roo (author)
P Doll (author)
N Drost (author)
JS Famiglietti (author)
Advancing catchment hydrology to deal with predictions under change
Journal article (2014) -
U Ehret (author)
HV Gupta (author)
Di Wang (author)
T Wagener (author)
U Scherer (author)
E Zehe (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
G Di Baldassarre (author)
J Parajka (author)
LPH van Beek (author)
A van Griensven (author)
MC Westhoff (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
SV Weijs (author)
SJ Schymanski (author)
G Blöschl (author)
AN Gelfan (author)
C Harman (author)
A Kleidon (author)
T.A. Bogaard (author)
Skill of a global seasonal streamflow forecasting system, relative roles of initial conditions and meteorological forcing
Journal article (2013) -
N Candogan Yossef (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
A Weerts (author)
R van Beek (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
Software for hydrogeologic time series analysis, interfacing data with physical insight
Journal article (2012) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
K Maas (author)
M Knotters (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
M Bakker (author)
T.N. Olsthoorn (author)
DG Cirkel (author)
I Leunk (author)
F Schaars (author)
DC von Asmuth (author)
Simulation of the time-variable gravity field by means of coupled geophysical models
Journal article (2011) -
Th. Gruber (author)
J. L. Bamber (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
H Dobslaw (author)
M Murböck (author)
M Thomas (author)
LPH van Beek (author)
T van Dam (author)
L. L A Vermeersen (author)
P. Visser (author)
Hyperresolution global land surface modeling: meeting a grand challenge for monitoring earth's terrestrial water
Journal article (2011) -
EF Wood (author)
K Roundy (author)
D Gochis (author)
N.C. van de Giesen (author)
P Houser (author)
PR Jaffe (author)
S Kollet (author)
B. Lehner (author)
DP Lettenmaier (author)
C Peters-Lidard (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
J Sheffield (author)
TJ Troy (author)
A Wade (author)
P Whitehead (author)
PH van Beek (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
E Blyth (author)
A. de Roo (author)
P Doll (author)
M Ek (author)
J Famiglietti (author)
Estimation of the time-lapse gravity errors due to water table and soil moisture variations
Conference paper (2009) -
M.A. Glegola (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
RJ Arts (author)
F Vossepoel (author)
Modeling irregularly spaced residual series as a continuous stochastic process
Journal article (2005) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
Soms is weten beter dan meten (tenzij je verkeerd zit natuurlijk). Het discrete Box-Jenkins versus het continue PIRFICT transferruis-model, in praktijk.
Journal article (2002) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
C Maas (author)
Waarom doen alsof de neerslag eens per maand valt?
Journal article (2002) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
C Maas (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)