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DG Cirkel
Academic Work (5)
Journal article (5)
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5 records found
Salinization in a stratified aquifer induced by heat transfer from well casings
Journal article (2015) -
JH van Lopik (author)
N Hartog (author)
Willem J. Zaadnoordijk (author)
DG Cirkel (author)
A. Raoof (author)
Software for hydrogeologic time series analysis, interfacing data with physical insight
Journal article (2012) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
K Maas (author)
M Knotters (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
M Bakker (author)
T.N. Olsthoorn (author)
DG Cirkel (author)
I Leunk (author)
F Schaars (author)
DC von Asmuth (author)
Voorkomen en voorspellen van nitraatconcentraties in kalksteenwinningen in Zuid-Limburg
Journal article (2006) -
B Putters (author)
Kees Maas (author)
DG Cirkel (author)
F Vaessen (author)
M Juhasz (author)
J. von Asmuth (author)
Schatgraven in grondwaterstandsreeksen
Journal article (2005) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
DG Cirkel (author)
Tijdreeksanalyse van grondwaterstanden nu binnen ieders bereik
Journal article (2004) -
J. von Asmuth (author)
Kees Maas (author)
DG Cirkel (author)