C. Maas
17 records found
Time series analysis is applied to identify and analyze a transition in the groundwater regime in the aquifer below the sand ridge of Salland in the Netherlands, where groundwater regime refers to the range of head variations throughout the seasons. Standard time series analysis
A new method is presented to estimate average diffuse aquifer recharge of water table aquifers in temperate climates using time series analysis of water table level fluctuations. An accurate estimate of the recharge caused by rainfall requires an accurate estimate of the influenc
A comprehensive and efficient approach is presented for the calibration of transient groundwater models. The approach starts with the time series analysis of the measured heads in observation wells using all active stresses as input series, which may include rainfall, evaporation
The methods behind the predefined impulse response function in continuous time (PIRFICT) time series model are extended to cover more complex situations where multiple stresses influence ground water head fluctuations simultaneously. In comparison to autoregressive moving average
An analytic approach is presented for the simulation of variations in the groundwater level due to temporal variations of recharge in surficial aquifers. Such variations, called groundwater dynamics, are computed through convolution of the response function due to an impulse of r