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SJ Schymanski
Academic Work (5)
Journal article (5)
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5 records found
Advancing catchment hydrology to deal with predictions under change
Journal article (2014) -
U Ehret (author)
HV Gupta (author)
Di Wang (author)
D. Wang (author)
D Wang (author)
T Wagener (author)
U Scherer (author)
E Zehe (author)
MFP Bierkens (author)
G Di Baldassarre (author)
J Parajka (author)
LPH van Beek (author)
A van Griensven (author)
A. van Griensven (author)
MC Westhoff (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
Murugesu Sivapalan (author)
Murugesu Sivapalan (author)
M Sivapalan (author)
M Sivapalan (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
Hessel H.C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel Winsemius (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
H. C. Winsemius (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel C. Winsemius (author)
SV Weijs (author)
SJ Schymanski (author)
G Blöschl (author)
AN Gelfan (author)
C Harman (author)
A Kleidon (author)
T.A. Bogaard (author)
TA Bogaard (author)
Thom A. Bogaard (author)
Thom Bogaard (author)
T. A. Bogaard (author)
Climate controls how ecosystems size the root zone storage capacity at catchment scale
Journal article (2014) -
Hongkai Gao (author)
H. Gao (author)
M. Hrachowitz (author)
Markus Hrachowitz (author)
M Hrachowitz (author)
SJ Schymanski (author)
F. Fenicia (author)
FF Fenicia (author)
Fabrizio Fenicia (author)
N Sriwongsitanon (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
Panta Rhei-everything flows: Change in hydrology and society-The IAHS scientific decade 2013-2022
Journal article (2013) -
A Montanari (author)
G Young (author)
G Bloschl (author)
M (extern) Sivapalan (author)
K Beven (author)
H Gupta (author)
M Hipsey (author)
S. Schae (author)
B Arheimer (author)
E Boegh (author)
SJ Schymanski (author)
G Di Baldassarre (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
B Yu (author)
P Hubert (author)
Y. Huang (author)
Y Huang (author)
AH Schumann (author)
DA Post (author)
V. Srinivasan (author)
C Harman (author)
S Thompson (author)
M Rogger (author)
A Viglione (author)
D Hughes (author)
H McMillan (author)
G Characklis (author)
Z Pang (author)
V Belyaev (author)
T Wagener (author)
LL Ren (author)
D Koutsoyiannis (author)
C Cudennec (author)
E Toth (author)
S Grimaldi (author)
HESS Opinions: Hydrologic predictions in a changing environment: behavioral modeling
Journal article (2011) -
B. Schaefli (author)
C Harman (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
M Sivapalan (author)
Murugesu Sivapalan (author)
M Sivapalan (author)
Murugesu Sivapalan (author)
SJ Schymanski (author)
Hydrologic predictions in a changing environment: behavioral modeling
Journal article (2010) -
B. Schaefli (author)
C Harman (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
M. Sivapalan (author)
M Sivapalan (author)
Murugesu Sivapalan (author)
M Sivapalan (author)
Murugesu Sivapalan (author)
SJ Schymanski (author)