Di Wang
18 records found
Energy harvesting from ambient energy sources has gained increased attention due to its advantage of less maintenance and for removing the dependency on batteries in IWSNs. However, due to the dynamic nature of ambient energy sources and the position of harvesting nodes, energy-h
Ghost is unavoidable in marine seismic data acquisition, limiting the bandwidth of useful information and reducing the resolution of imaging results. In the deghosting method, the 3D algorithms can better eliminate the 3D effect compared with the conventional 2D algorithm. Howeve
The last two decades have witnessed increasing awareness of the potential of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in forest applications in both public and commercial sectors, along with tremendous research efforts and progress. It is time to inspect the achievements of and the remai
The causes of landslides are manifold and highly influenced by multiple interacting natural and anthropogenic factors. In particular human induced land cover changes, such as deforestation and afforestation are known to strongly influence slope stability. Thus, we investigate the
In this paper, the robustness stability and performance
of robust repetitive control scheme is analyzed and
synthesized by the structured singular value theory. A linear
phase lead is introduced to improve the performance of robust
repetitive control system. It compensates the ph
In this paper, the robustness stability and performance of robust repetitive control scheme is analyzed and synthesized by the structured singular value theory. A linear phase lead is introduced to improve the performance of robust repetitive control system. It compensates the ph
The significance of phase-lead compensation is revealed for repetitive control systems in terms of tracking accuracy and transient. A real-time noncausal phase-lead FIR filter is proposed to improve the performance of add-on repetitive controlled constant-voltage constant-frequen
In this paper, a zero-phase odd-harmonic repetitive control scheme is proposed for pulse-width modulation inverters. The proposed repetitive controller combines an odd-harmonic periodic generator with a noncasual zero-phase compensation filter. It occupies less data memory than a