Emanuela Colombo
21 records found
Investing in low-carbon technologies, including light-duty vehicles, is a strategy to decarbonize the residential sector and private mobility. This work aims to assess the parameters driving the economic convenience of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) for a household, and what ar
The decarbonisation of residential heat through integration with the power system and deployment of refurbishment policies is at the core of European energy policies. Yet, heat-electricity integration may be challenged, in practice, by the large variability of heat demand across
The mass-scale integration of electric vehicles into the power system is a key pillar of the European energy transition agenda. Yet, the extent to which such integration would represent a burden for the power system of each member country is still an unanswered question. This is
Surrogate models for rural energy planning
Application to Bolivian lowlands isolated communities
Thanks to their modularity and their capacity to adapt to different contexts, hybrid microgrids are a promising solution to decrease greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. To properly assess their impact in different settings at country or cross-country level, microgrids must be des
Coupling heat and electricity through power-to-heat (P2H) technologies is raising increasing attention. It allows, on the one hand, to substitute traditional heating technologies with highly-efficient heat pumps (HPs), while, on the other hand, exploiting cost-effective thermal s
Long-term sizing of rural microgrids
Accounting for load evolution through multi-step investment plan and stochastic optimization
Hybrid microgrids represent a cost-effective and viable option to ensure access to energy in rural areas located far from the main grid. Nonetheless, the sizing of rural microgrids is complicated by the lack of models capable of accounting for the evolution of the energy demand o
For decades, electrification planning in the developing world has often focused on extending the national grid to increase electricity access. This article draws attention to the potential complementary role of decentralized alternatives – primarily micro-grids – to address unive
With pressing priorities in the development agenda, policy makers in developing countries are in the difficult situation of prioritizing policy actions. Limited government and utility budgets need cost effective solutions to bring the desired development benefits of electrificati
Designing highly renewable power systems involves a number of contested decisions, such as where to locate generation and transmission capacity. Yet, it is common to use a single result from a cost-minimizing energy system model to inform planning. This neglects many more alterna
The potential of sector coupling in future European energy systems
Soft linking between the Dispa-SET and JRC-EU-TIMES models
The relevance of sector coupling is increasing when shifting from the current highly centralised and mainly fossil fuel-based energy system to a more decentralized and renewable energy system. Cross-sectoral linkages are already recognized as a cost-effective decarbonisation stra
Energy access projects in remote off-grid areas would benefit from the adoption of a multi-energy system perspective, addressing all energy needs – not only lighting and power appliances, but also water-heating and cooking – by means of a mix of energy vectors. However, multi-ene
A multi-layer energy modelling methodology to assess the impact of heat-electricity integration strategies
The case of the residential cooking sector in Italy
To support the ongoing transition towards smart and decarbonised energy systems, energy models need to expand their scope and predictive capabilities. To this end, this study proposes a multi-layer modelling methodology that soft-links (i) a stochastic bottom-up load curves estim
Distributed Generation is driving a paradigm shift in traditional power systems, allowing the production of renewable electricity and thermal energy close to the main energy consumption nodes (e.g., buildings). In this sense, thermal networks and electrical grids for Smart distri
Enabling combined access to electricity and clean cooking with PV-microgrids
New evidences from a high-resolution model of cooking loads
Electric cooking (or e-cooking) based on renewable sources and highly-efficient cooking devices could represent a sustainable and reliable option to achieve the universal access to clean cooking facilities by 2030. Still, the techno-economic feasibility of e-cooking has never bee
Countries around the world are preparing to give the last leap to accomplish a 100 % of rural energy access. Nonetheless, country-wide electrification planning requires the analysis of hundreds of un-electrified villages with different social, economical and geographical backgrou
Robust sizing of rural micro-grids is hindered by uncertainty associated with the expected load demand and its potential evolution over time. This study couples a stochastic load generation model with a two-stage stochastic micro-grid sizing model to take into account multiple pr
A two-stage linear programming optimization framework for isolated hybrid microgrids in a rural context
The case study of the “El Espino” community
Efforts towards ensuring clean and affordable electricity for all have been progressing slowly in rural, off grid areas of developing countries. In this context, hybrid microgrids may offer reliable and potentially clean electricity for isolated locations. Nevertheless, the proce
Dealing with small sets of laboratory test replicates for Improved Cooking Stoves (ICSs)
Insights for a robust statistical analysis of results
Improved Cooking Stoves (ICSs) represent the most commonly promoted solution to alleviate the burden associated with the use of traditional biomass in a short-term perspective. However, criticism is raising about the methodologies used for assessing their performance, with a part
Laboratory protocols for testing of Improved Cooking Stoves (ICSs)
A review of state-of-the-art and further developments
Around 2.7 billion people rely on biomass fuelled inefficient devices for cooking and heating. Improved Cooking Stoves are promoted as a means to mitigate the economic, environmental and social implications of this practice. However, their diffusion is hindered by a number of fac
Laboratory protocols based on water heating procedures represent the most widespread tool for the evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves (ICSs) thermal performance. Nevertheless, the performance of the cooking system can vary substantially when the boundary conditions – ambient co