Bryn Pickering
11 records found
Net-zero energy system configurations can be met in numerous ways, implying diverse economic effects. However, what is usually ignored in techno-economic and economy-wide analysis are the distinct social-political drivers and barriers, which might constrain certain elements of fu
Harder, better, faster, stronger
Understanding and improving the tractability of large energy system models
Background: Energy system models based on linear programming have been growing in size with the increasing need to model renewables with high spatial and temporal detail. Larger models lead to high computational requirements. Furthermore, seemingly small changes in a model can le
Given the urgent need to devise credible, deep strategies for carbon neutrality, approaches for ‘modelling to generate alternatives’ (MGA) are gaining popularity in the energy sector. Yet, MGA faces limitations when applied to state-of-the-art energy system models: the number of
Corrigendum to High-resolution large-scale onshore wind energy assessments
A review of potential definitions, methodologies and future research needs (Renewable Energy (2022) 182 (659–684), (S0960148121014841), (10.1016/j.renene.2021.10.027))
The authors wish to point out a typesetting error in Equation (1) of the above paper, published as [1] in this journal. An addition sign “+” was mistakenly replaced with a multiplication sign “∙” in this equation, as shown in Equation (1a) below. [Formula presented] There correct
Disagreements persist on how to design a self-sufficient, carbon-neutral European energy system. To explore the diversity of design options, we develop a high-resolution model of the entire European energy system and produce 441 technically feasible system designs that are within
High-resolution large-scale onshore wind energy assessments
A review of potential definitions, methodologies and future research needs
The rapid uptake of renewable energy technologies in recent decades has increased the demand of energy researchers, policymakers and energy planners for reliable data on the spatial distribution of their costs and potentials. For onshore wind energy this has resulted in an active
Energy models are used to explore decarbonisation pathways and potential future energy systems. In this editorial, we comment on the importance of energy system modelling and open tools to inform policymaking in the context of the European Green Deal. We also summarise the seven
Energy system models are crucial to plan energy transition pathways and understand their impacts. A vast range of energy system modelling tools is available, providing modelling practitioners, planners, and decision-makers with multiple alternatives to represent the energy system
Operations research is used to support large-scale capacity expansion planning in the context of the energy transition, most typically in the form of cost-minimising linear programming models. However, cost-optimality is often not the goal, or only one of many competing goals, in
Designing highly renewable power systems involves a number of contested decisions, such as where to locate generation and transmission capacity. Yet, it is common to use a single result from a cost-minimizing energy system model to inform planning. This neglects many more alterna
The future European electricity system will depend heavily on variable renewable generation, including wind power. To plan and operate reliable electricity supply systems, an understanding of wind power variability over a range of spatio-temporal scales is critical. In complex te