Johan Lilliestam

15 records found


This chapter introduces an interdisciplinary perspective to investigate the transition process and to identify empirical evidence of social-ecological tipping points (SETPs) in the case studies on coal and carbon intensive regions (CCIRs) analyzed in the project TIPPING+. The ...

Transformative Emergence

Research Challenges for Enabling Social-ecological Tipping Points Toward Regional Sustainability Transformations

A crucial task to accelerate global decarbonisation is to understand how to enable fast, equitable, low-carbon transformations in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIRs). In this early literature review we underlined the relevance of the boundary concept of social-ecological ...

Corrigendum to High-resolution large-scale onshore wind energy assessments

A review of potential definitions, methodologies and future research needs (Renewable Energy (2022) 182 (659–684), (S0960148121014841), (10.1016/j.renene.2021.10.027))

The authors wish to point out a typesetting error in Equation (1) of the above paper, published as [1] in this journal. An addition sign “+” was mistakenly replaced with a multiplication sign “∙” in this equation, as shown in Equation (1a) below. [Formula presented] There correct ...

High-resolution large-scale onshore wind energy assessments

A review of potential definitions, methodologies and future research needs

The rapid uptake of renewable energy technologies in recent decades has increased the demand of energy researchers, policymakers and energy planners for reliable data on the spatial distribution of their costs and potentials. For onshore wind energy this has resulted in an act ...

The history of concentrating solar power (CSP) is characterized by a boom-bust pattern caused by policy support changes. Following the 2014–2016 bust phase, the combination of Chinese support and several low-cost projects triggered a new boom phase. We investigate the near- to mi ...
The European potential for renewable electricity is sufficient to enable fully renewable supply on different scales, from self-sufficient, subnational regions to an interconnected continent. We not only show that a continental-scale system is the cheapest, but also that systems o ...

On the socio-technical potential for onshore wind in Europe

A response to Enevoldsen et al. (2019), Energy Policy, 132, 1092-1100

A recent article in this journal claimed to assess the socio-technical potential for onshore wind energy in Europe. We find the article to be severely flawed and raise concerns in five general areas. Firstly, the term socio-technical is not precisely defined, and is used by the a ...
There is a large literature suggesting that improvements in energy efficiency support efforts at climate mitigation. Addressing a conceptual gap in that literature, however, we evaluate whether there are any conditions under which policies to promote improvements in energy effici ...

Home-made or imported

On the possibility for renewable electricity autarky on all scales in Europe

Because solar and wind resources are available throughout Europe, a transition to an electricity system based on renewables could simultaneously be a transition to an autarkic one. We investigate to which extent electricity autarky on different levels is possible in Europe, from ...

Author Correction

Empirically observed learning rates for concentrating solar power and their responses to regime change (Nature Energy, (2017), 2, 7, (17094), 10.1038/nenergy.2017.94)

In the version of this Analysis originally published, the total learning rate for parabolic trough stations with 6–8 hours of thermal storage (Fig. 2b) was calculated to be 25%. After publication, the authors found a code error that caused the learning curve fit function to belie ...

The dragon awakens

Will China save or conquer concentrating solar power?

After three years of low growth and an increase in global costs, the announcement and implementation of the Chinese demonstration programme for concentrating solar power (CSP) has changed the outlook for the technology from gloomy to better than ever. Here, we analyse the Chinese ...
Concentrating solar power (CSP) capacity has expanded slower than other renewable technologies and its costs are still high. Until now, there have been too few CSP projects to derive robust conclusions about its cost development. Here we present an empirical study of the cost dev ...
Previous studies have demonstrated the possibility of maintaining a reliable electric power system with high shares of renewables, but only assuming the deployment of specific technologies in precise ratios, careful demand-side management, or grid-scale storage technologies. Any ...
In a recent article, Trainer argues that electricity from concentrating solar power (CSP) in winter would be unreliable and prohibitively expensive, even if generated in premium desert sites. However, he does not carry out a detailed analysis of the reliability or the cost, but b ...

This paper reviews the potential vulnerability of solar energy systems to future extreme event risks as a consequence of climate change. We describe the three main technologies likely to be used to harness sunlight-thermal heating, photovoltaic (PV), and concentrating solar po ...