Dorien Lugt

4 records found


The city of Amsterdam, like many cities in the world, faces the problem that because of our changing climate, rainfall events become more intense. Sewers designed to only flood once every 10 years now flood multiple times a year. In an award winning idea, the aptly named brewery ...


Nowcasting high-intensity precipitation is crucial for emergency services and municipalities when making weather-dependent decisions. This research implements and trains a deep generative model for nowcasting using a cleaned precipitation radar composite dataset spanning 15 years ...

Pumping when the wind blows

Demand response in the Dutch delta

This thesis investigates the potential of a large pumping station in IJmuiden, the Nether-lands, for participating in Demand Response. Due to climate change, renewable energy is onthe rise. The intermittency of energy, together with its unpredictable supply, are a big hurdlefor t ...