
B.F. des Tombe

9 records found

Measurements of ice temperature provide crucial constraints on ice viscosity and the thermodynamic processes occurring within a glacier. However, such measurements are presently limited by a small number of relatively coarse-spatial-resolution borehole records, especially for ice ...
The pressure on groundwater systems, especially in coastal regions, increases as the population rapidly grows. In these regions, management of water tables and fluxes is important to minimize droughts, salt-water intrusion, and flooding. Proper management of such groundwater syst ...
Distributed temperature sensing (DTS) systems can be used to estimate the temperature along optic fibers of several kilometers at a sub-meter interval. DTS systems function by shooting laser pulses through a fiber and measuring its backscatter intensity at two distinct wavelength ...
An approach is presented to determine groundwater flow in unconsolidated aquifers with a heat pulse response test using a heating cable and a fiber-optic cable. The cables are installed together using direct push so that the cables are in direct contact with the aquifer. The temp ...
An approach is presented to determine the seasonal variations in travel time in a bank filtration system using a passive heat tracer test. The temperature in the aquifer varies seasonally because of temperature variations of the infiltrating surface water and at the soil surface. ...
An approach is presented to determine the specific discharge in an unconsolidated aquifer with a heat pulse response experiment using a heating cable and a fiber optic cable. The cables are installed using direct-push so that the cables are in direct contact with the aquifer and ...
The city of Amsterdam, like many cities in the world, faces the problem that because of our changing climate, rainfall events become more intense. Sewers designed to only flood once every 10 years now flood multiple times a year. In an award winning idea, the aptly named brewery ...
Targeted provisional session N°8.01 The seasonal variation in residence times is determined in a managed aquifer recharge system using a passive heat tracer test. The managed aquifer recharge system consists of a sequence of alternating elongated recharge basins and rows of recov ...
Regular aquifer storage recovery, ASR, is often not feasible for small-scale storage in brackish or saline aquifers because fresh water floats to the top of the aquifer where it is unrecoverable. Flow barriers that partially penetrate a brackish or saline aquifer prevent a stored ...