55 records found


Preparing supported nanoparticles with a well-defined structure, uniform particle size, and composition using conventional catalyst synthesis methods, such as impregnation, precipitation, and deposition-precipitation is challenging. Furthermore, these liquid phase methods requ ...

Electroreduction of CO2/CO to C2Products

Process Modeling, Downstream Separation, System Integration, and Economic Analysis

Direct electrochemical reduction of CO2 to C2 products such as ethylene is more efficient in alkaline media, but it suffers from parasitic loss of reactants due to (bi)carbonate formation. A two-step process where the CO2 is first electrochemically reduced to CO and subsequent ...

Both daily and seasonal fluctuations of renewable power sources will require large-scale energy storage technologies. A recently developed integrated battery and electrolyzer system, called battolyser, fulfills both time-scale requirements. Here, we develop a macroscopic COMSO ...

Sn-Based Electrocatalyst Stability

A Crucial Piece to the Puzzle for the Electrochemical CO2Reduction toward Formic Acid

Nowadays, Sn-based electrocatalysts for the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (eCO2RR) toward formic acid have been reported to reach industrially relevant current densities and Faradaic efficiencies approaching 100%. However, electrocatalyst stability remains inadequate ...

Electrochemical CO2 reduction has received an increased amount of interest in the last decade as a promising avenue for storing renewable electricity in chemical bonds. Despite considerable progress on catalyst performance using nanostructured electrodes, the sensit ...

Illumination of a voltage-biased plasmonic Ag cathode during CO2 reduction results in a suppression of the H2 evolution reaction while enhancing CO2 reduction. This effect has been shown to be photonic rather than thermal, but the exact plasmonic mechanism is unknown. Here, we ...

The electrochemical reduction of CO2 to fuels or commodity chemicals is a reaction of high interest for closing the anthropogenic carbon cycle. The role of the electrolyte is of particular interest, as the interplay between the electrocatalytic surface and the elect ...


The growing global energy demand and correlated rise in carbon emissions is forcing us to increase the use of renewable sources. The residential sector represents a large part of the total energy consumption, and European governments are investing in distributed PV to increase th ...
Within the electricity driven conversion methods, electrocatalysis has been assessed to be the closest to commercialisation. This can only be realised, if the system efficiency is increased in terms of the reaction rate, onset potential and/or selectivity. Current research has sh ...
An energy transition is needed in order to combat climate change. With the rise of intermittent renewable energy, a need for energy storage is also inevitable. Carbon dioxide electrolysis is a potential solution as CO2 emissions can be recycled and subsequently convert ...
Electroreduction of CO2 into high-valued chemicals is a promising way to reduce CO2 emissions while simultaneously producing bulk chemicals currently produced from fossil-fuel feedstocks. The downside of this process is that conversion rates are low, meaning the resulting product ...

An Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis Process

Process Model and Design of a Medium Scale Electrochemical Ammonia Production Plant

One of the greatest concerns of this century is climate change due to rising greenhouse gas emissions. The ammonia industry is responsible for 1.4% of the global CO2 emissions, thereby having a negative climate impact. However, ammonia is an essential ingredient in nitrogen ferti ...

Syngas Purification

Design of a Rectisol® based purification plant for the removal of impurities and simultaneous capture of CO2 from the works arising gases of an integrated steel mill

The steel making industry is highly energy intensive and a great contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It generated between 7% and 9% of direct emissions from the global use of fossil fuels in 2017 [1]. Gas emissions in an integrated steel mill (ISM) arise mainly from th ...
In the last decade, many initiatives have been undertaken by governments, companies and other institutions to reduce the output and concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The current non-emitting energy sources with highest potential are solar and wind energy. Unfortunately, the ...

Study of Hydrogen Sorption/Desorption Effect on Austenitic Iron-Based Alloys

Surface Interaction Studied by Cyclic Voltammetry on 304L Stainless Steel and Invar

The so-called “hydrogen economy” became one of the scientific targets among the different renewable energies alternatives, as a result of the efforts to transition from fossil fuels to environmentally-friendly energy sources. In this context, various options to transport and stor ...

Offshore wind + Energy Storage

Selection and design of energy storage for the integration of offshore wind energy in the future Dutch electricity system

The Dutch government has set out to largely reach reductions in carbon emissions in the electricity sector with the utilization of offshore wind energy. Due to the intermittency of wind energy this poses new problems and challenges for the future electricity system in the Netherl ...

Power to methane to power

Performance analysis of a closed loop energy storage system

Reducing carbon emissions in the power generation sector can be done by generating energy from renewable sources such as wind and sun. However these sources alone cannot provide a reliable electricity system and therefore an energy storage system is needed. Power-to-gas is a conc ...
An exponential growth in CO2 concentration over the past few decades has led to an accelerated impact of climate change on planet earth. In a bid to curb these emissions, people across the globe are slowly transitioning towards renewable energy sources with battery technology aid ...
Based on the Paris Accord, various governments have agreed to a long- term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels; The Netherlands has committed to reduce its CO2 emissions with 80% by 2050; in this plan, the Dutch ...
The worlds energy demand is increasing however, the majority of the energy supply is still based on fossil fuels. The consumption of fossil fuels results in the emission of carbon dioxide which is one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for the ongoing climate change. In ord ...