Direct quantification of electrochemical CO2 reduction products with an improved DEMS setup

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The analytical tools to quantify CO2RR products are often slow and have high limits of detection. As a result, researchers are forced to extend the duration of their experiments to accumulate sufficient product and surpass these detection limits. This slows down research considerably, and the research scope often remains limited. To help speed up CO2RR catalyst studies, we have developed a new differential electrochemical mass spectrometer (DEMS) setup and cell design that enables the quantification of major gaseous and liquid products significantly faster than conventional analytical techniques. Special attention was given to the hydrodynamics of the cell to avoid mass transfer limitations and the calibration of the setup to accurately quantify the major CO2 reduction products. As proof of concept of the methodology, the products formed during CO2RR on a polycrystalline Ag and Cu electrode in a 0.1-M KHCO3 electrolyte at different potentials were measured and quantified.