S.R. Bongers

14 records found


In offline reinforcement learning, deriving a policy from a pre-collected set of experiences is challenging due to the limited sample size and the mismatched state-action distribution between the target policy and the behavioral policy that generated the data. Learning a dynamic ...
This paper addresses the issue of double-dipping in off-policy evaluation (OPE) in behaviour-agnostic reinforcement learning, where the same dataset is used for both training and estimation, leading to overfitting and inflated performance metrics especially for variance. We intro ...
Behavior-agnostic reinforcement learning is a rapidly expanding research area focusing on developing algorithms capable of learning effective policies without explicit knowledge of the environment's dynamics or specific behavior policies. It proposes robust techniques to perform ...
Off-policy evaluation has some key problems with one of them being the “curse of horizon”. With recent breakthroughs [1] [2], new estimators have emerged that utilise importance sampling of the individual state-action pairs and reward rather than over the whole trajectory. With t ...
In the field of reinforcement learning (RL), effectively leveraging behavior-agnostic data to train and evaluate policies without explicit knowledge of the behavior policies that generated the data is a significant challenge. This research investigates the impact of state visitat ...
The large amounts of observational data available nowadays have sparked considerable interest in learning causal relations from such data using machine learning methods. One recent method for doing this, which provided promising results, is the DragonNet (Shi et al., 2019), which ...
The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of Propensity Score Matching, a causal inference method for causal effect estimation. More specifically, investigate how Propensity Score Matching reacts to breaking the unconfoundedness assumption, one of its core concep ...
An empirical study is performed exploring the sensitivity to hidden confounders of GANITE, a method for Individualized Treatment Effect (ITE) estimation. Most real world datasets do not measure all confounders and thus it is important to know how crucial this is in order to obtai ...
Causal machine learning deals with the inference of causal relationships between variables in observational datasets.
For certain datasets, it is correct to assume a causal graph where information about unobserved confounders can only be obtained through noisy proxies, and C ...
Causal machine learning is a relatively new field which tries to find a causal relation between the treatment and the outcome, rather than a correlation between the features and the outcome. To achieve this, many different models were proposed, one of which is the causal forest. ...
Generalizing models for new unknown datasets is a common problem in machine learning. Algorithms that perform well for test instances with the same distribution as their training dataset often perform severely on new datasets with a different distribution. This problem is caused ...
Out-of-Domain (OOD) generalization is a challenging problem in machine learning about learning a model from one or more domains and making the model perform well on an unseen domain. Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), the standard machine learning method, suffers from learning sp ...
Out-of-domain (OOD) generalization refers to learning a model from one or more different but related domain(s) that can be used in an unknown test domain. It is challenging for existing machine learning models. Several methods have been proposed to solve this problem, and multi-d ...
Learning algorithms can perform poorly in unseen environments when they learn
spurious correlations. This is known as the out-of-domain (OOD) generalization problem. Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM) is a method that attempts to solve this problem by learning invariant relati ...