J.M.A. Scherpen

99 records found

In this letter, our objective is to explore how two well-known projection dynamics can be used as dynamic controllers for stabilization of nonlinear systems. Combining the properties of projection operators, Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle's theorem, we confirm that the pro ...
This paper investigates a distributed formation tracking control law for large-scale networks of mechanical systems. In particular, the formation network is represented by a directed communication graph with leaders and followers, where each agent is described as a port-Hamiltoni ...
In this paper we propose an original distributed control framework for DC microgrids. We first formulate the (optimal) control objectives as an aggregative game suitable for the energy trading market. Then, based on duality, we analyze the equivalent distributed optimal condition ...
We consider the charge scheduling coordination of a fleet of plug-in electric vehicles, developing a hybrid decision-making framework for efficient and profitable usage of the distribution grid. Each charging dynamics, affected by the aggregate behavior of the whole fleet, is mod ...