Wenwu Yu
23 records found
Distributed Control of Islanded DC Microgrids
A Passivity-Based Game Theoretical Approach
In this article, we consider a dc microgrid composed of distributed generation units (DGUs) trading energy among each other, where the energy price depends on the total current generated by all the DGUs. We then use a Cournot aggregative game to describe the self-interested inter
In this letter, our objective is to explore how two well-known projection dynamics can be used as dynamic controllers for stabilization of nonlinear systems. Combining the properties of projection operators, Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle's theorem, we confirm that the pro
Actor-critic (AC) cooperative multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) over directed graphs is studied in this article. The goal of the agents in MARL is to maximize the globally averaged return in a distributed way, i.e., each agent can only exchange information with its neighbo
The broad learning system (BLS) paradigm has recently emerged as a computationally efficient approach to supervised learning. Its efficiency arises from a learning mechanism based on the method of least-squares. However, the need for storing and inverting large matrices can put t
In recent years, platooning solutions like cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) have been deeply studied. It is common in such platooning literature to assume that the vehicles drive on the same lane (longitudinal platooning). At the same time, lateral control during mergin
This article investigates the distributed time-varying optimization problem for second-order multiagent systems (MASs) under limited interaction ranges. The goal is to seek the minimum of the sum of local time-varying cost functions (CFs), where each CF is only available to the c
This work investigates a reduced-complexity adaptive methodology to consensus tracking for a team of uncertain high-order nonlinear systems with switched (possibly asynchronous) dynamics. It is well known that high-order nonlinear systems are intrinsically challenging as feedback
Despite the progress in the field of longitudinal formations of automated vehicles, only recently an interpretation of longitudinal platooning has been given in the framework of disturbance decoupling, i.e. the problem of making a controlled output independent of a disturbance. T
In this paper we propose an original distributed control framework for DC microgrids. We first formulate the (optimal) control objectives as an aggregative game suitable for the energy trading market. Then, based on duality, we analyze the equivalent distributed optimal condition
A challenging task in network synchronization is steering the network toward a coherent solution, when the dynamics of the constituent systems are heterogeneous and uncertain. In this situation, synchronization can be achieved via adaptive protocols (with adaptive feedback gains
This paper proposes a novel set-invariance adaptive dynamic surface control (DSC) design for a larger class of uncertain large-scale nonlinear input-saturated systems. The peculiarity of this class is that no a priori bound on the continuous control gain functions is assumed (i.e
In adaptive platooning strategies proposed in literature to handle uncertain and nonidentical uncertain vehicle dynamics (uncertain heterogeneous platoons) two aspects requiring proper design are neglected: bidirectional interaction among vehicles which might lead to loss of stri
This article addresses and solves the adaptive asymptotic tracking for a class of uncertain switched positive linear dynamics (also known in the literature as compartmental models) subject to dwell-time constraints. Compared to the state-of-the-art, the innovative feature of this
Cyclic communication in adaptive strategies to platooning
The case of synchronized merging
Recently proposed adaptive platooning strategies for connected automated vehicles are able to cope with uncertain vehicle parameters (uncertain driveline time constants), but can handle only acyclic graphs like look-ahead graphs. This prevents from enhancing platooning protocols
The work presented in this paper concerns a switching-based control formulation for multi-intersection and multiphase traffic light systems. A macroscopic traffic flow modeling approach is first presented, which is instrumental to the development of a model-based and switching-ba
This work proposes a Nussbaum function-based adaptive control method for high-order nonlinear systems with mixed control directions (some being known, some being unknown) and dead-zone input. State-of-the-art techniques based on a piecewise Nussbaum function leave open the questi
This work investigates the consensus tracking problem for high-power nonlinear multiagent systems with partially unknown control directions. The main challenge of considering such dynamics lies in the fact that their linearized dynamics contain uncontrollable modes, making the st
This brief proposes a neuro-adaptive method for the unsolved problem of cooperative tracking rendezvous of nonholonomic mobile robots (NMRs) subject to uncertain and unmodelled dynamics. A hierarchical cooperative control framework is proposed, which consists of a novel distribut
Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Periodically Disturbed Control Gain Functions
Adaptive Fuzzy Control with Invariance Properties
This paper proposes a novel adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control (DSC) method for an extended class of periodically disturbed strict-feedback nonlinear systems. The peculiarity of this extended class is that the control gain functions are not bounded a priori but simply taken t
In this article, the dynamic economic dispatch (DED) problem for smart grid is solved under the assumption that no knowledge of the mathematical formulation of the actual generation cost functions is available. The objective of the DED problem is to find the optimal power output