Distributed Control of Islanded DC Microgrids
A Passivity-Based Game Theoretical Approach
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In this article, we consider a dc microgrid composed of distributed generation units (DGUs) trading energy among each other, where the energy price depends on the total current generated by all the DGUs. We then use a Cournot aggregative game to describe the self-interested interaction among the DGUs, where each DGU aims at minimizing the deviation with respect to the given reference signals and maximizing the revenue from the sale of the generated power. Thus, we design a fully distributed continuous-time equilibrium-seeking algorithm to compute the generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) of the game. We interconnect the designed decision-making algorithm with the dynamics of the microgrid in a passive way, and, by leveraging passivity theory, we prove the convergence of the closed-loop system trajectory to a feasible operating point that is also a Nash equilibrium of the collective aggregative game. Finally, we present extensive simulation results that validate the proposed distributed optimal control scheme, showing excellent performance.