C. Cenedese
19 records found
Urban Traffic Congestion Control
A DeePC Change
Urban traffic congestion remains a pressing chal-lenge in our rapidly expanding cities, despite the abundance of available data and the efforts of policymakers. By leveraging behavioral system theory and data-driven control, this paper exploits the Data-enabled Predictive Control
In this paper, we propose the METANET with service station (METANET-s) model, a second-order macro-scopic traffic model that, compared to the classical METANET, incorporates the dynamics of service stations on highways. Specifically, we employ the (so-called) store-and-forward li
Distributed Control of Islanded DC Microgrids
A Passivity-Based Game Theoretical Approach
In this article, we consider a dc microgrid composed of distributed generation units (DGUs) trading energy among each other, where the energy price depends on the total current generated by all the DGUs. We then use a Cournot aggregative game to describe the self-interested inter
BIG Hype
Best Intervention in Games via Distributed Hypergradient Descent
Hierarchical decision making problems, such as bilevel programs and Stackelberg games, are attracting increasing interest in both the engineering and machine learning communities. Yet, existing solution methods lack either convergence guarantees or computational efficiency, due t
A popular remedy for the morning commute bottleneck congestion is to split the highway capacity into a managed lane that is kept in free-flow and a general purpose lane that is subject to congestion. A classical theoretical result is that the more capacity is allocated to the man
The morning commute bottleneck congestion problem has classically been modelled as a static game in which commuters act strategically based on their immediate Value of Time (VOT). This has restricted existing congestion mitigation techniques to rely on essentially monetary incent
This paper analyzes how the presence of service stations on highways affects traffic congestion. We focus on the problem of optimally designing a service station to achieve beneficial effects in terms of total traffic congestion and peak traffic reduction. We propose a genetic al
We study the problem of routing plug-in electric and conventional fuel vehicles on a city scale using incentives. In our model, commuters selfishly aim to minimize a local cost that combines travel time and the financial expenses of using city facilities, i.e., parking and servic
In this letter, our objective is to explore how two well-known projection dynamics can be used as dynamic controllers for stabilization of nonlinear systems. Combining the properties of projection operators, Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle's theorem, we confirm that the pro
This paper studies the capacity drops phenomena on a macroscopic, first-order model for freeway traffic. In particular, we focus on the effect that a Service Station (ST) has on the mainstream traffic evolution. We propose a modified formulation of the Cell Transmission Model wit
We propose an incentive-based traffic demand management policy to alleviate traffic congestion on a road stretch that creates a bottleneck for the commuters. The incentive targets electric vehicles owners by proposing a discount on the energy price they use to charge their vehicl
In this paper, we propose a novel model that describes how the traffic evolution on a highway stretch is affected by the presence of a service station. The presented model enhances the classical Cell Transmission Model (CTM) dynamics by adding the dynamics associated with the ser
In this paper we propose an original distributed control framework for DC microgrids. We first formulate the (optimal) control objectives as an aggregative game suitable for the energy trading market. Then, based on duality, we analyze the equivalent distributed optimal condition
In modern buildings renewable energy generators and storage devices are spreading, and consequently the role of the users in the power grid is shifting from passive to active. We design a demand response scheme that exploits the prosumers' flexibility to provide ancillary service
Understanding how to effectively control an epidemic spreading on a network is a problem of paramount importance for the scientific community. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for policies that mitigate the spread, without relying on pharmaceutical intervent
This paper considers a deterministic Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) metapopulation model for the spread of a disease in a strongly connected network, where each node represents a large population. Individuals can travel between the nodes (populations). We derive a necessa
The use of dynamic driving simulators is nowadays common practice in the automotive industry. The effectiveness of such devices is strongly related to their capabilities of well reproducing the driving sensations, hence it is crucial that the motion control strategies generate bo
A motion cueing algorithm with look-Ahead and driver characterization
Application to vertical car dynamics
Driving simulators are nowadays a widely used tool in the automotive industry. In particular, the need for safe and repeatable conditions in automated driving testing is now defining a new challenge: to extend the use of the tool to nonprofessional drivers. Quality of the motion