Ming Cao
19 records found
Understanding how to effectively control an epidemic spreading on a network is a problem of paramount importance for the scientific community. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for policies that mitigate the spread, without relying on pharmaceutical intervent
In this paper, we present three distributed algorithms to solve a class of Generalized Nash Equilibrium (GNE) seeking problems in strongly monotone games. The first one (SD-GENO) is based on synchronous updates of the agents, while the second and the third (AD-GEED and AD-GENO) r
In this article, we study proximal type dynamics in the context of multiagent network games. We analyze several conjugations of this class of games, providing convergence results. Specifically, we look into synchronous/asynchronous dynamics with time-invariant communication netwo
In this paper, we study multi-agent network games subject to affine time-varying coupling constraints and a time-varying communication network. We focus on the class of games adopting proximal dynamics and study their convergence to a persistent equilibrium. The assumptions consi
This paper considers a deterministic Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) metapopulation model for the spread of a disease in a strongly connected network, where each node represents a large population. Individuals can travel between the nodes (populations). We derive a necessa
Motivated by theoretical and experimental economics, we propose novel evolutionary dynamics for games on networks, called the h-Relative Best Response (h-RBR) dynamics, that mixes the relative performance considerations of imitation dynamics with the rationality of best responses
We consider the charge scheduling coordination of a fleet of plug-in electric vehicles, developing a hybrid decision-making framework for efficient and profitable usage of the distribution grid. Each charging dynamics, affected by the aggregate behavior of the whole fleet, is mod
In this paper, we propose an asynchronous distributed algorithm for the computation of generalized Nash equilibria in noncooperative games, where the players interact via an undirected communication graph. Specifically, we extend the paper 'Asynchronous distributed algorithm for
Whereas development of mathematical models describing the endocrine system as a whole remains a challenging problem, visible progress has been demonstrated in modeling its subsystems, or axes. Models of hormonal axes portray only the most essential interactions between the hormon
Distributed decision making in multi-agent networks has recently attracted significant research attention thanks to its wide applicability, e.g. in the management and optimization of computer networks, power systems, robotic teams, sensor networks and consumer markets. Distribute
To understand the sophisticated control mechanisms of the human's endocrine system is a challenging task that is a crucial step towards precise medical treatment of many dysfunctions and diseases. Although mathematical models describing the endocrine system as a whole are still e
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for path-following control of the nonholonomic mobile robot based on the idea of the guiding vector field (GVF). The desired path may be an arbitrary smooth curve in its implicit form, that is, a level set of a predefined smooth function. Us
Recently the dynamics of signed networks, where the ties among the agents can be both positive (attractive) or negative (repulsive) have attracted substantial attention of the research community. Examples of such networks are models of opinion dynamics over signed graphs. It has
Populations of flashing fireflies, claps of applauding audience, cells of cardiac and circadian pacemakers reach synchrony via event-triggered interactions, referred to as pulse couplings. Synchronization via pulse coupling is widely used in wireless sensor networks, providing cl
Whereas obtaining a global model of the human endocrine system remains a challenging problem, visible progress has been demonstrated in modeling its subsystems (axes) that regulate production of specific hormones. The axes are typically described by Goodwin-like cyclic feedback s
This paper presents a guidance algorithm solving the problem of moving path following, that is, steering a mobile robot to a curvilinear path attached to a moving frame. The nonholonomic robot is described by the unicycle-type model under the influence of some constant exogenous
Many distributed algorithms for multi-agent coordination employ the simple averaging dynamics, referred to as the Laplacian flow. Besides the standard consensus protocols, examples include, but are not limited to, algorithms for aggregation and containment control, target surroun
Investigation of social influence dynamics requires mathematical models that are “simple” enough to admit rigorous analysis, and yet sufficiently “rich” to capture salient features of social groups. Thus, the mechanism of iterative opinion pooling from (DeGroot, 1974), which can
The mechanisms of regular cooperative behavior in multi-agent networks, such as consensus and synchronization, have been thoroughly studied. However, many natural and engineered networks do not synchronize, exhibiting persistent disagreement or clustering. One of the reasons for