95 records found

We consider the design of state feedback control laws for both the switching signal and the continuous input of an unknown switched linear system, given past noisy input-state trajectories measurements. Based on Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities and on a matrix S-lemma, we derive dat ...
We address a class of Nash games with nonconvex coupling constraints for which we define a novel notion of local equilibrium, here named local generalized Nash equilibrium (LGNE). Our first technical contribution is to show the stability in the game theoretic sense of these equil ...


Estimation Network Design for Games under Partial-decision Information

Multi-agent decision problems are typically solved via distributed iterative algorithms, where the agents only communicate between themselves on a peerto- peer network. Each agent usually maintains a copy of each decision variable, while agreement among the local copies is enforc ...
We consider a class of Wasserstein distributionally robust Nash equilibrium problems,
where agents construct heterogeneous data-driven Wasserstein ambiguity sets using private samples and radii, in line with their individual risk-averse behaviour. By leveraging relevant prope ...
We propose an integrated behavior and motion planning framework for the lane-merging problem. The behavior planner combines search-based planning with game theory to model vehicle interactions and plan multivehicle trajectories. Inspired by human drivers, we model the lane-mergin ...
In many areas of industry and society, including energy, healthcare, and logistics, agents collect vast amounts of data that are deemed proprietary. These data owners extract predictive information of varying quality and relevance from data depending on quantity, inherent informa ...
We study the data-driven finite-horizon linear quadratic regularization (LQR) problem reformulated as a semidefinite program (SDP). Our contribution is to propose two novel accelerated first-order methods for solving the resulting SDP. Our methods enjoy adaptive stepsize and adap ...
We examine the routing problem for self-interested vehicles using stochastic decision strategies. By approximating the road latency functions and a non-linear variable transformation, we frame the problem as an aggregative game. We characterize the approximation error and we deri ...
We formulate for the first time the economic dispatch problem among prosumers in an integrated electrical and gas distribution system (IEGDS) as a game equilibrium problem. Specifically, by approximating the nonlinear gas-flow equations either with a mixed-integer second-order co ...
We consider the extension of the adaptive Golden RAtio ALgorithm (aGRAAL) for variational inequalities. We show that by selecting the momentum parameter beyond the golden ratio the convergence speed can be improved, which motivates us to study the switching between small and larg ...
We study coalitional games with exogenous uncertainty in the coalition value, in which each agent is allowed to have private samples of the uncertainty. As a consequence, the agents may have a different perception of stability of the grand coalition. In this context, we propose a ...
On the reformulation of the open-loop Nash equilibrium problem for linear-quadratic dynamic games as a receding-horizon variational inequality.@en
We address the generalized Nash equilibrium seeking problem for a population of agents playing aggregative games with affine coupling constraints. We focus on semi-decentralized communication architectures, where there is a central coordinator able to gather and broadcast signals ...
A fundamental open problem in monotone game theory is the computation of a specific generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) among all the available ones, e.g. the optimal equilibrium with respect to a system-level objective. The existing GNE seeking algorithms have in fact convergence ...
We study predictive control for blood glucose regulation in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. We determine optimal control actions for insulin and glucagon infusion via linear time-varying model predictive control (LTV MPC) and dynamic linerization around the state trajecto ...
Vehicle automation and connectivity bring new opportunities for safe and sustainable mobility in urban and highway networks. Such opportunities are however not directly associated with traffic flow improvements. Research on exploitation of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) ...
We study generalized games with full row rank equality coupling constraints and we provide a strikingly simple proof of strong monotonicity of the associated KKT operator. This allows us to show linear convergence to a variational equilibrium of the resulting primal-dual pseudo-g ...

Learning generalized Nash equilibria in monotone games

A hybrid adaptive extremum seeking control approach

In this paper, we solve the problem of learning a generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) in merely monotone games. First, we propose a novel continuous semi-decentralized solution algorithm without projections that uses first-order information to compute a GNE with a central coordina ...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a class of generative models with two antagonistic neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. These two neural networks compete against each other through an adversarial process that can be modeled as a stochastic Nash equilibrium ...
We consider a large population of decision makers that choose their evolutionary strategies based on simple pairwise imitation rules. We describe such a dynamic process by the replicator dynamics. Differently from the available literature, where the payoffs signals are assumed to ...