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W. Ananduta

15 records found

We formulate for the first time the economic dispatch problem among prosumers in an integrated electrical and gas distribution system (IEGDS) as a game equilibrium problem. Specifically, by approximating the nonlinear gas-flow equations either with a mixed-integer second-order co ...
A fundamental open problem in monotone game theory is the computation of a specific generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) among all the available ones, e.g. the optimal equilibrium with respect to a system-level objective. The existing GNE seeking algorithms have in fact convergence ...
We consider a large population of decision makers that choose their evolutionary strategies based on simple pairwise imitation rules. We describe such a dynamic process by the replicator dynamics. Differently from the available literature, where the payoffs signals are assumed to ...
To optimally select a generalized Nash equilibrium, in this paper, we consider a semi-decentralized algorithm based on a double-layer Tikhonov regularization algorithm. Technically, we extend the Tikhonov method for equilibrium selection to generalized games. Next, we couple such ...
The distributed dual ascent is an established algorithm to solve strongly convex multi-agent optimization problems with separable cost functions, in the presence of coupling constraints. In this letter, we study its asynchronous counterpart. Specifically, we assume that each agen ...
Monotone aggregative games may admit multiple (variational) generalized Nash equilibria, yet currently there is no algorithm able to provide an a-priori characterization of the equilibrium solution actually computed. In this paper, we formulate for the first time the problem of s ...
We present a distributed Nash equilibrium seeking method based on the Bregman forward-backward splitting, which allows us to have a mirror mapping instead of the standard projection as the backward operator. Our main technical contribution is to show convergence to a Nash equilib ...
We consider a clearing problem in peer-to-peer energy markets, where prosumers can trade energy among each other and with the main grid to meet their energy demands. By using a game-theoretic formulation and exploiting operator-theoretic methods for generalized Nash equilibrium s ...
We formulate the optimal flow problem in a multi-area integrated electrical and gas system as a mixed-integer optimization problem by approximating the non-linear gas flows with piece-wise affine functions, thus resulting in a set of mixed-integer linear constraints. For its solu ...
In future distribution grids, prosumers (i.e., energy consumers with storage and/or production capabilities) will trade energy with each other and with the main grid. To ensure an efficient and safe operation of energy trading, in this paper, we formulate a peer-to-peer energy ma ...
A multi-agent optimization problem motivated by the management of energy systems is discussed. The associated cost function is separable and convex although not necessarily strongly convex and there exist edge-based coupling equality constraints. In this regard, we propose a dist ...
In this paper, we propose a distributed model predictive control (MPC) scheme for economic dispatch of energy systems with a large number of active components. The scheme uses a distributed optimization algorithm that works over random communication networks and asynchronous upda ...
A non-centralized model predictive control (MPC) scheme for solving an economic dispatch problem of electrical networks is proposed in this paper. The scheme consists of two parts. The first part is an event-triggered repartitioning method that splits the network into a fixed num ...
We consider the economic dispatch problem for a day-ahead, peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity market of prosumers (i.e., energy consumers who can also produce electricity) in a distribution network. In our model, each prosumer has the capability of producing power through its dispatc ...
We propose a distributed method to solve a multi-agent optimization problem with strongly convex cost function and equality coupling constraints. The method is based on Nesterov's accelerated gradient approach and works over stochastically time-varying communication networks. We ...